Next Gen Video Awards 2023: Best Results, Creative and More

For the past four years, Idomoo has celebrated the best videos our team and tech helped create for the world’s leading brands. This year, we want to share with you a few of the winners from our annual Next Gen Video Awards.

These are the ones that stood out to our illustrious internal judges as not just great videos — the internet already has plenty of great videos — but as truly effective applications of dynamic video to spark meaningful engagement between brands and customers.

So without further ado, here are our winners in each category along with what made the video stand out. We hope it inspires your next campaign!

Next Gen Video Awards 2023

Best Recap Video

We love a good personalized recap. While the year in review is the most common use case, we’ve created personalized recaps covering everything from a month to a decade.

These custom showreels — able to recap loyalty rewards, credit card points, personal achievements, service usage and more — are incredibly effective, increasing engagement by 10x and reactivation (i.e., returning as a customer) by as much as 17x.

There’s another reason to love recap videos. As our CTO, Danny Kalish, explains it, this use case is relevant for 100% of your audience. Maybe other use cases like onboarding or upselling are only for a portion of your customers, but a recap is for everyone, no matter how long they’ve been with you, so the business impact can be quite large. See stats above.

We did lots of recaps last year, with nominations for gaming, telecommunications and more in this category, but only one took home the top prize. Congratulations, WW!

This was the third annual year in review that WW sent their customers to inspire and encourage them for the coming year. It was shared across social platforms, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter, as fans celebrated their wins and New Year’s resolutions.

Want to know something really cool? This video leveraged UGC by letting people pick the achievements they wanted to highlight. As a result, customers were more likely to watch and share their video — another win!

Pro tip: Making your own recap video? We shared our best personalized year in review tips on our blog. Check it out.

Best Interactivity: Vodafone

In case you missed it with our award winner above, video is now interactive as it never has been before. Thanks to our Next Generation Video Platform, any video can be clickable, gamified, customized by the user and more.

We’ve seen significant adoption of video interactivity among financial institutions looking to increase transparency and engagement, but other industries are getting interactive, too.

While a CTA button is still the most popular form of video interactivity — hey, it works — we’re also seeing more creative uses of this tech, from employee training to customer service.

At Idomoo, we’re partial to thinking beyond the button, using our advanced functionality that allows any item, whether it’s animated or live-action, to be interactive. That’s what Vodafone did in the video below, which is why we bestowed upon them the honor of Best Interactivity in this year’s Next Gen Video Awards.

The video has lots of great info, but speed ahead to the 40-second mark if you want to see their fun quiz. Where do you think their most popular roaming destination was last year? Click one of the flags to find out

Best Creative: Activision

We love data. We love interactivity. We love innovation and technology. But it’s nice when it looks good, too.

This category was all about the video creative, and while we had a few strong contenders, our judge (who happens to lead our Emmy-award-winning studio) quickly saw a clear winner. Just take a look at the video below.

Call of Duty personalized millions of videos for their Warzone Legacy campaign. The creative comes from gnet, an award-winning agency in their own right.

We know gamers expect next-level visuals that are just as immersive and engaging as the games they play. This video, with its quick cuts and killer soundtrack, keeps your eyes glued to the screen from start to finish.

And it being a personalized showreel of the player’s top hits just made it that much more shareable. We saw countless players bragging about their wins and tagging friends to show them their video. Check out #MyWarzoneLegacy on Twitter to see some of the excitement.

Best Personalization: Cenlar

It’s no surprise we had a lot of competition in this category. Idomoo was created as a Personalized Video company, able to generate millions of unique videos for every single customer in 100x real time.

Nearly every video we do uses personalized data, so there were quite a few nominees for Best Personalization. One nominee had an astounding 65 points of personalization.

But we’re not looking for quantity here. We wanted to see an intriguing and effective use of personalization, and we found it with Cenlar’s onboarding video.

This Personalized Video is a welcome to homeowners after their loan has closed. It tells them what their first monthly payment will be, shows how to enroll in autopay and explains how escrow works. Essentially, it’s everything new homeowners need to know in a short video.

It also has subtle personalization throughout. The video greets the customer by name at the beginning as you’d expect, but it also has their name, payment amount and due date included in the web interface. Notice at the 30-second mark where it says “Welcome, Jason” at the top and mentions his payment of $7,000 due Jan. 18. You see it later on a mobile screen and then again on desktop about 2 minutes in.

That’s all personalized data, and it’s a nice touch that reinforces that this is a bespoke film production made just for that person. Mortgages is one of the top industries that depends on Personalized Video. Because it can be complicated (remember when homeowners were confused about forbearance?), video stands as a way to make it simple.

Best Insurance Video: The General

Speaking of complicated, let’s talk insurance. Premiums, policies, payments, liability, coverage … are you still there?

Customers don’t want to read the fine print, but they love watching videos. Why not make it easy for them? That’s exactly what The General did.

The video below is the first in a series of welcome videos. This one covers a common pain point in any customer journey: their first bill. It’s even interactive, explaining different options for how to pay their bill so customers could get the info they needed on demand.

This campaign also had great results with an impressive 90% click-through rate on the CTA. Customers can track analytics for their campaigns in real time in our dashboard, or we can share the highlights. We’re always looking at the numbers to see what’s working and how to make the next campaign even better. At the end of the day, it’s all about results.

This is a nice segue to our next category.

Best Results and Best Gaming Video: Plarium

Many of our clients’ campaigns performed well this past year, so it was hard to narrow down nominees for the Best Results category. Uplifts like 11x sales and 22x engagement aren’t rare in the world of Personalized Video, especially if you haven’t ever used it before — there’s a real “wow” effect as customers sit up and notice something special.

But our winner for Best Results this year wasn’t for an uptick in conversions, NPS or retention, although those are all good things. It was a newer use case involving referrals.

Plarium sent Personalized Videos to their massive audience of Raid: Shadow Legends players. This is our third year working with Plarium to celebrate their anniversary, always a pleasure and stellar creative. Give it a watch and you’ll see what I mean.

This video prompted an increase in social shares and daily active users, but the success metric that won them the award was that it doubled referrals. Plarium included an opportunity for players to refer a friend, following the age-old marketing wisdom that says your best prospective customer is the friend of your current customer, and this simple strategy paid off big.

As you might have guessed from the header, Plarium also won Best Gaming Video, in large part due to its great results as well as its on-point creative and clever in-game distribution.

Want to know more about how the magic happened? Read the story in the news.

Best Innovative Distribution: AIA Indonesia

When it comes to video distribution, we can do it all. There’s adding video to email, an old favorite that still works, but videos can also be sent via SMS, MMS, in-app and more.

This year’s nominees for Best Innovative Distribution had some truly unique distribution methods. These include QR code, in-game and face recognition. That’s right — face recognition. It’s amazing how technology is evolving.

But our winner this year for the category was this excellent customer onboarding video by AIA Indonesia.

It gave customers all the info they needed at a glance, and it was distributed via WhatsApp, one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, with over 2.2 billion users. Preliminary results for the campaign are already positive, and we’re not surprised. We already know rising mobile use is one of the top drivers behind the latest video marketing trends. If you want to get people’s attention, you need to reach them where they are — and that’s on their phone. WhatsApp is a great way to do this.

Hats off to AIA for thinking outside the box on video distribution!

Best Scalability: Activision

Sometimes one video takes home multiple awards. When you’re good, you’re good. And this campaign by Activision was amazing on multiple levels.

Their Warzone Legacy campaign won for Best Scalability because it reached an audience of millions, was available in 10 languages and was watched in 99 countries. Wow!

The split-screen video above shows a few of the languages so you can see how the video changes.

Bonus: One cool thing about our tech is that scene length can automatically adjust for dynamic text or voiceover. This means if it takes longer to say something in one language than another, the scene will adapt to be the right length, no additional work needed. It’s just one of the ways our automation tools save time.

If you want to read more about this campaign, it also made the news.

And the Award Goes to…


Why not? Anyone can create an award-winning campaign with our Next Generation Video Platform. You (or your agency) can access the platform directly to handle it on your own, or we can take care of the details, including the creative, from start to finish.

Our clients’ campaigns are constantly being recognized by the top international awards organizations, including the Effies, The Wires, Dive Awards, Deutscher Digital Awards, New York Festival Advertising Awards, Content Marketing Awards and more.

But the real measure of success isn’t a trophy. It’s customer loyalty and satisfaction, and that’s what we deliver.

Sounds like a reward worth reaching for? Let’s talk.

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