Related posts: interactivity

It’s Time To Upgrade Your Personalized Infographic to Video

How To Effectively Engage Gamers With Personalized Video and Infographics

In the entertainment industry, personalized recaps are here to stay. Think of viral marketing campaigns like Spotify “Wrapped” or Call of Duty’s #MyWarzone Legacy. These dynamic campaigns perform so well not only because they’re personalized but also because they surface interesting insights about the customer. For “Wrapped,” it could be

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Why Your Business Needs Interactive Video (With Examples)

Why Your Business Needs Interactive Video (With Examples)

Interactive content is taking over the digital world. From shareable quizzes to the rise of the metaverse, content that gets the user involved is leveraged by marketers to build deeper connections with their target market. But while you can make virtually any type of digital content interactive, video reigns supreme

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Video Goes UGC: A Guide to User-Generated Video Content

Video Goes UGC: A Guide to User-Generated Video Content

The content in demand by customers today isn’t flashy or expensive. It’s captured by the everyday person and their smartphone, free of Photoshop and pushy sales pitches. Whether it’s a review written on Yelp or an unboxing video, consumers want authenticity — and they’re finding it in content created by

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7 Tips for a Personalized Year-in-Review Video

7 Tips for a Personalized Year-in-Review Video

For many, the new year is an opportunity to look back at memories made — the good times, the big wins, maybe some lessons learned. It’s a period of reflection and celebration, and tapping into this sentiment is a great way to create deeper connections with your audience. With the

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Interactive Video Makers: What You Need To Know

Interactive Video Makers: What You Need To Know

With the rise of on-demand content and personalized algorithms, many of us have grown used to having the reins when it comes to what we watch. Passive consumption is slowly becoming a thing of the past; we crave interaction, personalization and relevance. For brands, this has made capturing and keeping

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Personalized Interactive Video in Action

Personalized Interactive Video in Action

How many times have you come across an ad or brand message that was entirely skippable? Today’s content often feels like a one-way street, where brands blast messages “at” us rather than engaging in a genuine, two-way conversation. To stand out amid the digital noise, businesses must explore fresh ways

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How Digital Marketing Is Changing in 2024: AI, Video and More

How Digital Marketing Is Changing in 2024: AI, Video and More

Every year, new possibilities and advancements arise that we expect to redefine the way businesses connect with their audiences. This year will be no different and, with trend cycles happening faster and faster, businesses can’t afford to be static. Your success depends on not just keeping pace but staying ahead

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video marketing shown on a laptop and mobile phone for 2024 trends

8 Video Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024

For marketers, staying on top of the latest trends is crucial to designing future strategies that get results. With video dominating the content landscape and constantly evolving, video marketing is no exception. From the latest technology to popular content styles, there are a handful of new developments in video marketing

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6 Ways Businesses Can Use Interactive Marketing Videos

6 Ways Businesses Can Use Interactive Marketing Videos

Ever found yourself engaged in one of Netflix’s interactive specials, such as the hit Black Mirror: Bandersnatch or You vs. Wild? Or maybe you’ve been part of a live stream where your comments or votes influence what happens next? All around us, interactive entertainment has found its way into our

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