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The Secret to CX

The Secret to a Customer-Centric Digital CX Strategy

A version of this article appeared on CMSWire. You can read it here. Looking for the secret to a better, more customer-focused digital CX strategy? You’re not alone. Brands are increasingly embracing digital customer experiences across the customer journey. But there’s a serious gap between how effective brands think these

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How Standard Life Boosts Contributions

How Standard Life Boosts Contributions With Data-Driven Video

It’s no secret that pensions can be complicated. And when savers fail to understand their pension, they’re unlikely to engage with it. To tackle this issue, top pension provider Standard Life is simplifying complicated topics with data-driven videos. The campaign, launched in collaboration with BT’s Division X Messaging Team and

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How The Industry Is Embracing Personalized Video

How the Higher Ed Industry Is Embracing Personalized Video

To reach today’s tech-savvy students, universities are upgrading their digital communications with advanced video technology — namely, Personalized Video. It’s now a key part of the student journey, from admissions to alumni relations and more. Top universities, including New York Tech, Quinnipiac University, Lewis University and others are leveraging Personalized

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