Related posts: retention

The ROI of Personalization - Here's How It Pays Off

The ROI of Personalization – Here’s How It Pays Off

The marketing industry has moved beyond questioning whether or not to personalize. I think we can all unanimously agree that not personalizing your marketing efforts is a pretty serious oversight. (Yet somehow, there’s still 14% of marketers out there not investing in personalization.)

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What the World Would Be Like Without Marketing Personalization

What the World Would Be Like Without Marketing Personalization

Imagine, if you will, a world without marketing personalization. A world where, regardless of how many times you interacted with a company, no matter how frequently you set preferences and shared data about yourself, you weren’t treated like an individual. Heck, you weren’t even remembered. Can people live without marketing

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How to Calculate Retention Rate: A Beginner’s Guide

How To Calculate Retention Rate: A Beginner’s Guide

If you want to evaluate how effective your customer service program is, simply take a look at your customer retention rate. To put it simply, the definition of retention is keeping your customers. More broadly, it includes the actions brands take to reduce customer churn. The retention rate meaning, therefore,

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