Related posts: how to

How to Calculate Retention Rate: A Beginner’s Guide

How To Calculate Retention Rate: A Beginner’s Guide

If you want to evaluate how effective your customer service program is, simply take a look at your customer retention rate. To put it simply, the definition of retention is keeping your customers. More broadly, it includes the actions brands take to reduce customer churn. The retention rate meaning, therefore,

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Missing and hitting the personalization target

4 Times Brands Got Personalization Wrong and How To Do It Right

Personalization ranks among the top strategies for delivering a stellar customer experience. By using relevant customer data, brands can create a truly unique customer experience, making customers feel valued and increasing consumer trust. Done right, personalization has the potential to improve retention and conversions. And this can happen through a

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How to Create Personalized Content

How to Create Personalized Content (Without Making It Creepy)

Alfred Hitchcock’s “Rear Window” opens with the rising of a curtain. This is a tribute to classic theater — a rising curtain has been shorthand for “the show is about to begin” for centuries. However, something is a little different here. These are not traditional theater curtains, but rather a

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How to Drive Action: The Psychology of Customer Engagement

What Drives Action? We are emotional beings who THINK we’re rational beings. What we buy, who we vote for, even who we choose to marry – are primarily emotional, or “feeling-based”, decisions. People THINK they make decisions based on rationality, but what they are much more likely to do is

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The Leading Cause of Customer Churn, And How to Avoid It

It’s not complicated. The majority of customers churn because they failed to connect with your brand or because an event occurred that caused them to disconnect. 53% of all customer churn is attributed to one of these factors: poor onboarding (23%), weak relationship building (16%) and poor customer service (14%).

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