Related posts: how to

Video Production Sales 101: How To Sell Video to Enterprises

Video Production Sales 101: How To Sell Video to Enterprises

Selling video production services to enterprise companies can seem daunting without a clear roadmap. Often, though, the best first steps are the simplest. Think about the problem your potential client needs to solve. Ask insightful questions that can inform your strategy. And show the value of video content in a

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Video Goes UGC: A Guide to User-Generated Video Content

Video Goes UGC: A Guide to User-Generated Video Content

The content in demand by customers today isn’t flashy or expensive. It’s captured by the everyday person and their smartphone, free of Photoshop and pushy sales pitches. Whether it’s a review written on Yelp or an unboxing video, consumers want authenticity — and they’re finding it in content created by

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Corporate video production is a powerful way to ramp up marketing, engagement, and branding. Learn more!

How To Scale Your Content With Corporate Video Production

If you’ve opened any website or social media app in the past few years, you’ve witnessed firsthand that corporate video is bigger than ever. From humorous mascots on TikTok (we see you, Duolingo) to educational YouTube docuseries to flashy product announcements, companies big and small are leaning on video to

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Interactive Video Makers: What You Need To Know

Interactive Video Makers: What You Need To Know

With the rise of on-demand content and personalized algorithms, many of us have grown used to having the reins when it comes to what we watch. Passive consumption is slowly becoming a thing of the past; we crave interaction, personalization and relevance. For brands, this has made capturing and keeping

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A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Churn Models

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Churn Models

In business, success isn’t just about scoring new customers — it’s also about holding onto them. Unfortunately, customer churn exists as a challenge to this goal. Also called customer attrition, churn refers to your customers saying sayonara to your brand. So much more than just a statistical metric, your churn

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Why Spotify Wrapped Works and How You Can Do It Too

Why Spotify Wrapped Works and How You Can Do It Too

It’s finally here — the most wonderful time of the year: holidays, presents, way too much eggnog and the much-anticipated release of Spotify Wrapped. Around the first week of December every year, Spotify sends more than 150 million users a shareable recap of what they’ve listened to this year. Whether

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How To Choose the Right Personalized Video Software

How To Choose the Right Personalized Video Software

As tailored experiences become the norm rather than the exception, Personalized Video has been increasingly used by brands across industries to improve the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. Take a look at the nonprofit industry where Personalized Videos delivered via email led to higher engagement among donors led to a

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