Related posts: CX

4 Things Your Boss Wishes

4 Things Your Boss Wishes You Knew About Customer Retention

Before you can master customer retention, you’ve got to understand people. People, after all, make up 100% of your customer base. So what makes us purchase? What makes us loyal? Or, conversely, what ultimately pushes us away and makes us check out the competition? If you’re thinking cost, that’s only

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How Video Marketing Clarifies Bill Communication

How Video Marketing Clarifies Bill Communication

Go ahead — shout out some words to describe video marketing. Sleek? Modern? Easy to watch? Engaging? Now think of how you’d describe bill communication. Dry? Confusing? Boring? Boring? Did I guess right? In general, video gets labeled trendy and fun (if you said “expensive,” you need to read the

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5 Reasons Your Customer

5 Reasons Your Customer Service Strategy Isn’t Working

You know customer service matters. The vast majority (95%) of consumers say it’s critical for brand loyalty. And 93% of customers are likely to make repeat purchases with companies that provide excellent customer service. But an influx of new technology, processes and channels have made customer service increasingly complex, leaving

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Japan Airlines

Japan Airlines Upgrades Its First-Class CX With Idomoo

Japan Airlines is taking the pre-flight experience for its top customers to the next level with Personalized Video. Now, when first-class travelers scan their boarding pass, they get a video made just for them, delivered right in their JAL+ Lounge app. Powered by Idomoo’s Next Generation Video Platform, the videos

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The Secret to CX

The Secret to a Customer-Centric Digital CX Strategy

A version of this article appeared on CMSWire. You can read it here. Looking for the secret to a better, more customer-focused digital CX strategy? You’re not alone. Brands are increasingly embracing digital customer experiences across the customer journey. But there’s a serious gap between how effective brands think these

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Cutting Call Volume for Telecoms

Cutting Call Volume for Telecoms: How Dynamic Videos Help

According to an Ericsson survey, it takes smartphone users 4.1 days to successfully complete an interaction with a service provider, on average. And this has a massive impact on satisfaction levels — the number of satisfied customers decreases by nearly 30% after more than 1 day of trying to resolve

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Improving Customer Experience

Improving Customer Experience in the Telecom Industry

The telecom industry is changing, thanks to a growing number of subscribers, new technologies and other fast-paced trends. But while the industry’s services and products are rapidly evolving, their digital experience is falling behind. According to an Ericsson survey, only a third of customers believe their telecom company understands their

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Marketing to Generation Alpha

Marketing to Generation Alpha: Everything You Need to Know

Ambitious, empowered and predicted to be the largest generation in history by 2025 — Generation Alpha is already catching the attention of brands. Just take a look at Nike, who collaborated with popular gaming platform Fortnite to reach today’s tweens. Or Mattel, who launched a line of Barbies made from

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How The Industry Is Embracing Personalized Video

How the Higher Ed Industry Is Embracing Personalized Video

To reach today’s tech-savvy students, universities are upgrading their digital communications with advanced video technology — namely, Personalized Video. It’s now a key part of the student journey, from admissions to alumni relations and more. Top universities, including New York Tech, Quinnipiac University, Lewis University and others are leveraging Personalized

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Year-In-Review Video Campaigns

Year-In-Review Video Campaigns: Why Your Brand Needs Them

We’ve all seen them: those short videos that show off your brand’s best moments of the year. A few years ago, brands only used these year-in-review campaigns for internal purposes — to highlight company milestones and successes for employees. Nowadays, however, many brands are turning to year-in-review video campaigns as

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