Year-In-Review Video Campaigns

Year-In-Review Video Campaigns: Why Your Brand Needs Them

We’ve all seen them: those short videos that show off your brand’s best moments of the year. A few years ago, brands only used these year-in-review campaigns for internal purposes — to highlight company milestones and successes for employees. Nowadays, however, many brands are turning to year-in-review video campaigns as

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The Video Hack Gaming

The Video Hack Gaming Brands Are Using To Reengage Players

A version of this article appeared on PocketGamer. You can read it here. Engagement is a must-have in the gaming industry. Standing in the way of this key metric, though, are lapsed players — especially as pandemic-related restrictions are lifted. For instance, brands saw a three-point decline in gamers last

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How To Build Brand Loyalty

How To Build Brand Loyalty that Lasts in Today’s Digital Age

Customer loyalty is a potent weapon in the modern marketplace — and it’s something that every company wants to cultivate. However, many brands are finding it difficult to develop and maintain customer loyalty in this fast-moving digital age. As consumers have more choices than ever before and can switch between

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Customer Onboarding

Customer Onboarding: Best Practices for Your Business

A positive customer onboarding process can instill confidence in your customers to stick with your brand. A negative experience, on the other hand, can quickly turn them away to your competition. Over 60% of consumers consider a company’s onboarding process in their purchasing decision, and close to 9 out of

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5 Top Tips for Boosting

5 Top Tips for Boosting Your Customer Lifetime Value

In today’s business climate, customer loyalty is increasingly elusive. According to research from Inmar Intelligence, almost 65% of consumers have switched brands either “often” or “very often” within the past three months. With that being said, it’s more important than ever to make the most of your current customers —

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Lewis University

Idomoo and Lewis University Win Gold in dotCOMM Awards

Our Personalized Video campaign with Lewis University was a huge success — just ask the experts. The data-driven campaign earned gold in this year’s dotCOMM Awards under the category Video: Educational Institution. It consisted of short videos personalized to every viewer’s relevant financial aid awards, addressing one of the most

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Retention Marketing: Tips and Tricks for Long-Term Loyalty

While many business owners focus on marketing their products and services to new customers, it’s important to pay attention to the customers that you already have. Your current customers are a source of repeat sales, whether you’re selling physical goods or digital marketing services. Good retention marketing practices help you

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Video From Brands

Video From Brands: A Must-Have According to High-Value Consumers

A new survey, conducted by Arlington Research and Idomoo, uncovers insight into consumers preferences when it comes to brand communications. Of the key takeaways, one interesting finding is a pattern among high-value consumers. Over 60% of customers want brands to send them more videos. But who wants video the most?

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At a Crossroads

At a Crossroads: How Do You Communicate With Customers?

A version of this article originally appeared on Tech12. Today’s consumers are no longer brand loyal. Unlike the exhausting attempts of my parents’ generation to replace the cable company or their bank, the new generation of consumers can replace the service of any company with the push of a button.

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Social Media Video Marketing

Social Media Video Marketing: Why Your Business Needs It

Video is now a key component of any social media platform. Facebook is experimenting with new video features. LinkedIn is incorporating video into its own interface. And TikTok has won over demographics of all ages with their short, snackable videos. To effectively engage your own customers on social media, then,

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The Financial Times Increases Subscriber Engagement With Personalized Video

The Financial Times Increases Subscriber Engagement With Personalized Video

Building on the success of their first year-in-review campaign, the Financial Times launched their second Personalized Video campaign to recap subscribers’ individual reading journeys over the past year. They expanded this campaign to include a wider audience. The newspaper also leveraged Idomoo’s advanced interactivity with in-video CTAs for subscription offers

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Why Today's Marketers Must Use an Omnichannel Approach

Why Today’s Marketers Must Use an Omnichannel Approach

The world of marketing is rapidly changing. Today’s consumers are more digital than ever, and they’re expecting brands to keep up. At the same time, consumers are also becoming increasingly savvy with their devices and are navigating through the digital landscape with ease. To meet these changing consumer expectations, you

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Clear Communication

Clear Communication in Financial Services: The New Mandate

The FCA is raising the bar for customer care in the financial services landscape. Firms must now adhere to the Consumer Duty: a package of measures that aims to improve customer outcomes with better communication. This new Consumer Duty, recently issued by the U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), mandates that

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