How Huuuge Games Boosted Conversions 4x With Personalized Video

How Huuuge Games Boosted Conversions 4x With Personalized Video

Huuuge Games surprised fans with their first ever Personalized Video, and it was a huge success, if you’ll pardon the irresistible play on words. The videos invited players to look back on their top wins, their luckiest day and more over the past year. It was even interactive, with calls-to-action to keep spinning and share the video.

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Customer Onboarding 101: An Essential Guide for Success

Customer Onboarding 101: An Essential Guide for Success

It’s hard to overplay the importance of starting your customers off on the right foot. But while brands have come a long way in realizing the value of customer onboarding, there’s still room for improvement. Over 90% of customers feel that the companies they buy from “could do better” when

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How To Reduce Customer Churn With Personalization

How To Reduce Customer Churn With Personalization

When something is broken in your business, it can be difficult to come together as a team and identify the root of the problem. In the case of customer churn, however, there’s a strong consensus among industry experts who say that your broader customer experience strategy has a profound impact

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Become an Expert in Interactive Marketing

Become an Expert in Interactive Marketing with These 5 Tips

In the world of customer-driven marketing, interactive experiences are gaining traction. After all, marketing isn’t really about the brand — it’s about the customer and their needs. Interactivity highlights this, letting current and potential customers guide the digital experience so they get what they want out of it. And frankly,

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4 Things Your Boss Wishes

4 Things Your Boss Wishes You Knew About Customer Retention

Before you can master customer retention, you’ve got to understand people. People, after all, make up 100% of your customer base. So what makes us purchase? What makes us loyal? Or, conversely, what ultimately pushes us away and makes us check out the competition? If you’re thinking cost, that’s only

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How Video Marketing Clarifies Bill Communication

How Video Marketing Clarifies Bill Communication

Go ahead — shout out some words to describe video marketing. Sleek? Modern? Easy to watch? Engaging? Now think of how you’d describe bill communication. Dry? Confusing? Boring? Boring? Did I guess right? In general, video gets labeled trendy and fun (if you said “expensive,” you need to read the

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