Related posts: video innovation

8 Essential Customer Engagement Tools for Marketers

8 Essential Customer Engagement Tools for Marketers

As technology has advanced, so have the ways we can connect with and retain our target audience. The days when customer interactions were limited to in-store visits are over. As marketers, our goal now goes beyond just selling a product or service; it’s also about building relationships, inspiring loyalty and

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How To Add Personalization to Video

How To Add Personalization to Video

As personalization becomes the new norm, it’s not surprising that Personalized Video is gaining traction. Most of us are no longer satisfied with generic content. We crave experiences that are relevant and tailored to us. In fact, 71% of consumers expect personalized interactions — with 76% getting frustrated when companies

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Video Velocity: How Automation and AI Speed Video Production

Video Velocity: How Automation and AI Speed Video Production

What if video were faster? As in, bringing your creative video ideas to life took less time and effort, and the path from inception to audience engagement was streamlined and swift. Imagine the potential — A/B tests with quicker turnarounds, marketing campaigns launched at the height of relevancy and hyper-personalized

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