Related posts: CX

Man watching video on phone for better customer experience

How Personalized Video Transforms Customer Experience

In today’s world of overabundance of choice, getting your customers excited and committed to your brand takes more than a good quality product. A seamless and personalized customer experience is just as important when it comes to building great customer relationships and winning their loyalty.

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The Higher Education Challenge

Transforming the Student Experience: Admissions to Alumni

When COVID-19 first hit, the unprecedented changes forced schools of all kinds to adapt. Universities and colleges scrambled to figure out solutions for learning that would keep students safe while still maintaining an optimal learning environment. From Zoom classes to optional testing, there’s nothing quite like a pandemic to jumpstart

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How Travel Marketing Is Adapting for the Post-Pandemic World

How Travel Marketing Is Adapting for the Post-Pandemic World

It’s been just over a year since a global pandemic restricted travel, crippling what was once a thriving travel and hospitality sector. With two-thirds of passenger jets grounded, hotels and resorts emptied, and halted cruises turning into floating hospitals, the industry scrambled to survive until the day came that travel

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Where Video Marketing Meets Customer Experience

Where Video Marketing Meets Customer Experience

These days, it’s rare to go a day without watching some type of video. From enjoying your favorite show on Netflix to scouring YouTube for a cooking tutorial, video has emerged as one of the most popular forms of content. In fact, Cisco estimates that the medium will make up

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