6 Ways to Inspire Your Creative Team in 2017

January’s a tough month when it comes to inspiring motivation and innovation within a creative team, or really any team for that matter. Everyone has recently emerged from the haze of the holidays and is physically back at work, but mentally…maybe not so much, not just yet.

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How to Use Video to Make Your Business Personal

Marketers are ultimately interested in influencing consumer behavior, right? It doesn’t matter if you want someone to buy a product, enroll in a service, become loyal to a brand or align with a particular set of values. No matter what you’re trying to do, you’re not going to get very

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4 Ways Personalized Video Can Help You Create Wow Moments

Do you wow your customers? It may sound like a funny question, but the value in regularly creating wow moments – the moments that make a customer stop in their tracks and feel valued, heard and understood – cannot go understated. These are the moments that build lasting brand-customer relationships. 

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7 Rules Your Video Marketing Strategy Shouldn’t Ignore

So you want to create a campaign that catches on like wildfire. 100 million internet users watch online video every day, and 90% of online shoppers say video greatly helps them make purchase decisions. Who wouldn’t want tap into such a popular medium? But while “going viral” is a common

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A Guide to Launching Your First Video Campaign

Video campaigns are incredibly effective communication tools. Consider that 90% of the information humans take in is done visually and remembered 40% more reliably. When both audio and visual senses are stimulated, as is the case with video content, that rate of recall jumps to 68%. Video is also an

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Hack Your Engagement Strategy with Database Marketing

Database marketing is the practice of taking a collection of verified customer data that is regularly collected and updated, and leveraging it for use in campaigns and general customer-facing communication. This is all done with the goal of delivering more relevant, and therefore more engaging, customer experiences. 

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7 Ways to Make a Good Retention Rate Even Better

The strongest customer satisfaction strategies look at a closed sale as an opened relationship. You’ve added someone new to your brand’s family of customers, and that person needs to be nurtured and looked after so they stick around. If you’re already enjoying a healthy retention rate, you know just how true this is. That

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Why Data-Driven Marketing Can Be Your Crystal Ball

So you’ve come up with an incredible marketing campaign. You love it, your team loves it, everyone’s feeling good. But will your customers love it? If you’re not using customer data to make informed marketing decisions, you really won’t know until after deployment. And at that point, any feedback you

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4 Creative Video Ideas You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Try

How often have you told your video marketing team, or even been instructed yourself, to think outside the box? While the notion of “thinking outside the box” conjures groundbreaking and exciting creative video ideas, many people are hesitant to commit to creatively risky concepts – especially when those concepts need

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The #1 Video Stat You Need to Know [Infographic]

As someone helping brands market themselves and connect with their target audiences, you’ve likely presented clients with campaign concepts you thought were fresh, exciting and innovative. You’ve no doubt also come up against executives asking how your proposed campaigns, especially those that are more creatively adventurous, will translate into tangible

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Solving Video Advertising’s ROI Problem

Video advertising has traditionally been focused on branding and creating awareness: High production value ads shown on TV and paid for with massive advertising budgets. It has therefore been mostly used by Fortune 1000 companies that invest heavily in their brands. Measuring the overall impact of such campaigns was always

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