Mercer Engage Employees

Helping Mercer Engage Employees

Ask most people about their pensions and their eyes glaze over. It’s all too complicated, you hear them say, for somebody who isn’t a pro… And this is despite 90% of employees ranking pensions as one of their most important benefits. But pensions are complex, driving engagement levels as low

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Are You Measuring These Key B2C Marketing Metrics?

Marketing has evolved from somewhat of an art into a very precise and quantifiable science. No marketing campaign should ever be rolled out without a robust understanding of how to measure whether your campaign was a resounding success or, contrarily, a bit of a let-down.

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The Secret To Successful B2C Conversion Strategies

Perhaps the biggest shift we’ve seen in marketing over the past decade or so is towards consumer empowerment. Due in large part to the sheer volume of companies out there vying for the attention of consumers, as well as advances in media technology and the role it plays in marketing,

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4 Insider Tips for Unbeatable Personalized E-mail Campaigns

I think most of you reading this will already know – we are big time fans and long-time champions of all types of marketing personalization. One of the most cost-effective and high impact ways of personalizing your marketing is through email. E-mail marketing in general is great because it allows

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3 Reasons Why Your Personalization Efforts Just Aren’t Working

3 Reasons Why Your Personalization Efforts Just Aren’t Working

People today are subjected daily to a cacophony of never-ending marketing messages that end up fading into the background rather than grabbing their attention. With the constant churn of often irrelevant, boring and sub-par content, customers are becoming increasingly weary and disengaged. Grabbing the mind-space of your customers is becoming

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4 Reasons You Should Add Video to Your Marketing Strategy

Data suggests that digital video ad spending will increase from $9.9 billion, where it currently stands in 2016, to $28.08 billion by 2020. This means within advertising, video is the fastest growing category on mobile, on desktop and overall, as reported in a survey conducted by Cowen and Company.

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5 Creative Video Tips That Really Work

So you’re looking to launch a video marketing campaign, but you’re not quite sure where to start. Or maybe you’ve started already, but you feel like things are lacking a particular spark? Creating a campaign that holds viewers’ attention and drives action isn’t easy, but it’s also not quite as

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3 Extraordinary Examples of Creative Innovation in Video

The most effective marketing serves to present a solution, tell a story or achieve some combination of the two. Contrary to what many people might believe, the primary goal of a single marketing campaign shouldn’t be to sell a brand. Selling of the brand comes secondary; it’s a side effect

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7 Signs You Are a Creative Advertising Expert

This post could boil down to one simple statement: “I wish I’d thought of that.” Only a creative advertising expert is able to make everyone feel like they should have – even could have – had that idea. In marketing, great ideas aren’t inaccessible and they aren’t isolating. They’re extremely

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How to Get More Results Out of Your Creative Management

It’s pretty easy to list the traits of a bad creative management. Short-sighted, impulsive, stubborn, ego-driven, unconstructive or unclear in their feedback, resistant of change, impossible to approach or simply impossible to work with… Feel free to take a moment to remember a miserable leader you worked under. Thank god

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