Related posts: UGC

Why Your Business Needs Interactive Video (With Examples)

Why Your Business Needs Interactive Video (With Examples)

Interactive content is taking over the digital world. From shareable quizzes to the rise of the metaverse, content that gets the user involved is leveraged by marketers to build deeper connections with their target market. But while you can make virtually any type of digital content interactive, video reigns supreme

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Video Goes UGC: A Guide to User-Generated Video Content

Video Goes UGC: A Guide to User-Generated Video Content

The content in demand by customers today isn’t flashy or expensive. It’s captured by the everyday person and their smartphone, free of Photoshop and pushy sales pitches. Whether it’s a review written on Yelp or an unboxing video, consumers want authenticity — and they’re finding it in content created by

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7 Tips for a Personalized Year-in-Review Video

7 Tips for a Personalized Year-in-Review Video

For many, the new year is an opportunity to look back at memories made — the good times, the big wins, maybe some lessons learned. It’s a period of reflection and celebration, and tapping into this sentiment is a great way to create deeper connections with your audience. With the

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What Is Customized Video? A Guide for Businesses

Imagine receiving a video from a brand that speaks directly to you rather than a generic audience. Seamlessly incorporating your name, preferences and even past interactions, it’s a message that’s not just relevant and engaging but interactive and customizable. That’s all possible with customized video, which combines video and data

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video marketing shown on a laptop and mobile phone for 2024 trends

8 Video Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024

For marketers, staying on top of the latest trends is crucial to designing future strategies that get results. With video dominating the content landscape and constantly evolving, video marketing is no exception. From the latest technology to popular content styles, there are a handful of new developments in video marketing

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Video Velocity: How Automation and AI Speed Video Production

Video Velocity: How Automation and AI Speed Video Production

What if video were faster? As in, bringing your creative video ideas to life took less time and effort, and the path from inception to audience engagement was streamlined and swift. Imagine the potential — A/B tests with quicker turnarounds, marketing campaigns launched at the height of relevancy and hyper-personalized

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Become an Expert in Interactive Marketing

Become an Expert in Interactive Marketing with These 5 Tips

In the world of customer-driven marketing, interactive experiences are gaining traction. After all, marketing isn’t really about the brand — it’s about the customer and their needs. Interactivity highlights this, letting current and potential customers guide the digital experience so they get what they want out of it. And frankly,

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The Video Hack Gaming

The Video Hack Gaming Brands Are Using To Reengage Players

A version of this article appeared on PocketGamer. You can read it here. Engagement is a must-have in the gaming industry. Standing in the way of this key metric, though, are lapsed players — especially as pandemic-related restrictions are lifted. For instance, brands saw a three-point decline in gamers last

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