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How To Build Brand Loyalty

How To Build Brand Loyalty that Lasts in Today’s Digital Age

Customer loyalty is a potent weapon in the modern marketplace — and it’s something that every company wants to cultivate. However, many brands are finding it difficult to develop and maintain customer loyalty in this fast-moving digital age. As consumers have more choices than ever before and can switch between

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Social Media Video Marketing

Social Media Video Marketing: Why Your Business Needs It

Video is now a key component of any social media platform. Facebook is experimenting with new video features. LinkedIn is incorporating video into its own interface. And TikTok has won over demographics of all ages with their short, snackable videos. To effectively engage your own customers on social media, then,

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How Video Is Driving

How Video Is Driving The Future of Customer Communications

Marketers have been turning to video for years to overcome the challenges of text communications. Video is more memorable, shareable and engaging — and people love it. It accounts for the vast majority (over 80%) of all consumer internet traffic. But video technology is changing. Previously, brands used video mainly

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How Video Is Changing Customer Communications

How Video Is Changing Customer Communications

Marketers have been turning to video for years to overcome the challenges of text communications. Video is more memorable, shareable and engaging — and people love it. It accounts for the vast majority (over 80%) of all consumer internet traffic.

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Group of Gen Z consumers laughing together

How To Create Personalized Experiences for Gen Z Consumers

A version of this article appeared originally on Customer Experience Magazine. You can read it here. When it comes to customer experience, the newest generation of consumers is set to disrupt the status quo. They have different brand expectations, as you’ll see below, and they’re poised to have the economic

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