Related posts: marketing

Why Loyalty Programs Need To Be Personalized

Why Loyalty Programs Need To Be Personalized

These days, it’s commonplace to make a purchase at a shop, cafe or online store and get asked to join its loyalty program. Many times, these programs are enticing. Getting perks for simply continuing your spending habits seems like a no-brainer and is probably why U.S. consumers hold more than

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How 7 Brands Use Hyper-Personalization To Engage Customers

7 Hyper-Personalization Examples From Brands Who Got It Right

Your inbox dings. “Happy birthday,” your dentist says. But before you can even react, here’s another alert. Chewy’s got a treat for Bark Ruffalo, your goldendoodle. Another day, another marketing strategy. It’s one more email with your name slapped in the greeting, and it’s fast losing its shine. It’s no

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Best Travel Marketing Examples From 12 Top Brands

Best Travel Marketing Examples From 12 Leading Brands

In an industry as dynamic and visually driven as travel, standing out from the crowd with exceptional marketing has never been more crucial. According to Expedia, travelers consume an average of 303 minutes of travel content before booking. Additionally, nearly 1 in 5 are influenced by advertising to book a

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How Customized Video for Enterprises Breaks the Mold

How Customized Video for Enterprises Breaks the Mold

Back in the day, video wasn’t exactly a big deal for brands when it came to interacting with their audience. A customer’s experience with a brand was more limited to print ads or an occasional conversation on the phone and maybe even a rare face-to-face meeting. But now we’re living

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Hyper-Personalization Strategies That Work for Any Business

Hyper-Personalization Strategies That Work for Any Business

Success in today’s consumer marketplace needs to extend beyond simply addressing your customer by name. Customers are craving more tailored experiences that are unique to their preferences and behaviors. After all, 75% of consumers report they’re more likely to purchase from brands that provide personalized digital experiences. With advanced technologies

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8 Ways Personalized Video Is Easier Than Ever for Brands

8 Ways Personalized Video Is Easier Than Ever for Brands

In the world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve requires brands to successfully engage and captivate their target audience to make a lasting impact. And Personalized Video has emerged as a powerful tool to do so. Video is more in demand than ever — 83% of people say

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How Personalization Trends are Transforming Retail Marketing

How Personalization Trends are Transforming Retail Marketing

It’s no secret that personalization is a huge part of the modern retail landscape. Personalization products contribute to a great customer experience. One study reveals that 9 out of 10 marketers now use personalization solutions to provide better shopping experiences. Despite the fact everyone knows the importance of personalization, many

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Personalized Interactive Video in Action

Personalized Interactive Video in Action

How many times have you come across an ad or brand message that was entirely skippable? Today’s content often feels like a one-way street, where brands blast messages “at” us rather than engaging in a genuine, two-way conversation. To stand out amid the digital noise, businesses must explore fresh ways

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How To Level Up Your Sales Strategy With Personalized Video

How To Level Up Your Sales Strategy With Personalized Video

Hitting sales goals can often feel like an uphill battle. As consumers become increasingly discerning and the competition for their attention intensifies, many sales teams find themselves scrambling for innovative sales tactics to connect with their audience and boost conversions. Amidst these challenges, Personalized Video marketing has emerged as a

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How Digital Marketing Is Changing in 2024: AI, Video and More

How Digital Marketing Is Changing in 2024: AI, Video and More

Every year, new possibilities and advancements arise that we expect to redefine the way businesses connect with their audiences. This year will be no different and, with trend cycles happening faster and faster, businesses can’t afford to be static. Your success depends on not just keeping pace but staying ahead

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