Related posts: customer engagement

Hyper-Personalization in Marketing: The Next Frontier Is Here

Hyper-Personalization in Marketing: The Next Frontier Is Here

In a highly saturated market, customer loyalty is not a given. Customers are often incentivized to jump ship or, at the very least, avoid going all in on a brand if competitors distract them. Hyper-personalized marketing prevents this. Nearly three quarters of surveyed consumers (73%) said they want more personalized

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Email Personalization

Email Personalization: Tips for Cutting Through the Clutter

Email marketing is a tried and true strategy. But in today’s digital age, cutting through the clutter of your customers’ inboxes is trickier than ever before. Today, an estimated 333 billion emails are delivered and received every day. But brands have found a way to rise above the digital noise:

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12 Customized Video Examples To Inspire Your Next Campaign

What if you could seamlessly blend video with custom data and deliver unique viewing experiences for each customer? This is the essence of customized video — a game-changing type of video content that’s revolutionizing how brands connect with their target audience. With customized video, brands can tailor their message to

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What Is Customized Video? A Guide for Businesses

Imagine receiving a video from a brand that speaks directly to you rather than a generic audience. Seamlessly incorporating your name, preferences and even past interactions, it’s a message that’s not just relevant and engaging but interactive and customizable. That’s all possible with customized video, which combines video and data

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8 Ways Personalized Video Is Easier Than Ever for Brands

8 Ways Personalized Video Is Easier Than Ever for Brands

In the world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve requires brands to successfully engage and captivate their target audience to make a lasting impact. And Personalized Video has emerged as a powerful tool to do so. Video is more in demand than ever — 83% of people say

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video marketing shown on a laptop and mobile phone for 2024 trends

8 Video Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024

For marketers, staying on top of the latest trends is crucial to designing future strategies that get results. With video dominating the content landscape and constantly evolving, video marketing is no exception. From the latest technology to popular content styles, there are a handful of new developments in video marketing

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6 Ways Businesses Can Use Interactive Marketing Videos

6 Ways Businesses Can Use Interactive Marketing Videos

Ever found yourself engaged in one of Netflix’s interactive specials, such as the hit Black Mirror: Bandersnatch or You vs. Wild? Or maybe you’ve been part of a live stream where your comments or votes influence what happens next? All around us, interactive entertainment has found its way into our

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8 Essential Customer Engagement Tools for Marketers

8 Essential Customer Engagement Tools for Marketers

As technology has advanced, so have the ways we can connect with and retain our target audience. The days when customer interactions were limited to in-store visits are over. As marketers, our goal now goes beyond just selling a product or service; it’s also about building relationships, inspiring loyalty and

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