Related posts: best practices

6 Video Marketing Examples We Love and Why They Work

6 Video Marketing Examples We Love and Why They Work

In this distracted and tuned-out world, brands need creative ways to engage consumers, and video consistently delivers. According to our State of Video Technology report, 83% of consumers say they want more videos from brands, with 82% of those who have received video saying they enjoy the content. Better yet,

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Why Is Customer Engagement Important? The Hidden Tie to ROI

Why Is Customer Engagement Important? The Hidden Tie to ROI

In today’s fast-paced and constantly evolving business landscape, customer engagement has become more vital than ever before. It’s no longer enough to simply attract customers. Businesses must now find ways to actively involve them, fostering a relationship that goes beyond the initial purchase. According to a report by Harvard Business

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7 Tips for a Personalized Year-in-Review Video

7 Tips for a Personalized Year-in-Review Video

For many, the new year is an opportunity to look back at memories made — the good times, the big wins, maybe some lessons learned. It’s a period of reflection and celebration, and tapping into this sentiment is a great way to create deeper connections with your audience. With the

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Implementing Hyper-Personalization: 3 Approaches To Know

As personalization becomes a standard rather than a nice-to-have, brands looking to stand out from the crowd are cranking things up with hyper-personalization. This data-driven approach to marketing goes beyond traditional personalization by leveraging automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning and vast amounts of data. The result? Experiences that are tailored

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Why Loyalty Programs Need To Be Personalized

Why Loyalty Programs Need To Be Personalized

These days, it’s commonplace to make a purchase at a shop, cafe or online store and get asked to join its loyalty program. Many times, these programs are enticing. Getting perks for simply continuing your spending habits seems like a no-brainer and is probably why U.S. consumers hold more than

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Do You Need a Video Production Company To Create Quality Video Content?

Do You Need a Video Production Company To Create Quality Videos?

These days, businesses of all sizes are making video part of their core marketing strategy. Video marketing content is a great way to connect with your audience and attract new customers. But do you need a professional video production company to accomplish that? High-quality marketing videos can help grow brand

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Email Personalization

Email Personalization: Tips for Cutting Through the Clutter

Email marketing is a tried and true strategy. But in today’s digital age, cutting through the clutter of your customers’ inboxes is trickier than ever before. Today, an estimated 333 billion emails are delivered and received every day. But brands have found a way to rise above the digital noise:

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12 Customized Video Examples To Inspire Your Next Campaign

What if you could seamlessly blend video with custom data and deliver unique viewing experiences for each customer? This is the essence of customized video — a game-changing type of video content that’s revolutionizing how brands connect with their target audience. With customized video, brands can tailor their message to

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Personalized Interactive Video in Action

Personalized Interactive Video in Action

How many times have you come across an ad or brand message that was entirely skippable? Today’s content often feels like a one-way street, where brands blast messages “at” us rather than engaging in a genuine, two-way conversation. To stand out amid the digital noise, businesses must explore fresh ways

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