Do You Need a Video Production Company To Create Quality Videos?

These days, businesses of all sizes are making video part of their core marketing strategy. Video marketing content is a great way to connect with your audience and attract new customers. But do you need a professional video production company to accomplish that?

High-quality marketing videos can help grow brand awareness, boost engagement, and ultimately build your business online. You might not be Hollywood, but you understand that your audience values top-notch video content. Videos with great production value, like the one below from HubSpot, are an eye-catching way to make a great impression with your brand.

So is a video production agency the key to creating effective videos? Do you need to hire a production team from Los Angeles or New York to get a solid return on your investment? Let’s talk about it.

First, though, let’s dig a little deeper into why video content is so important.

Why Create Video Content for Your Audience?

Why is it so important to create video content for your followers and target audience? In short, it’s critical because users want video!

Digital marketing is more video-driven than ever. There are a staggering 5.44 billion people online around the world. According to data from Statista, 92.3% of these internet users consumed online video in late 2023. These numbers mean it’s possible to get your brand in front of a larger global audience.

According to our market research, 83% of users want more video from the brands they love. But only 19% of them are actually getting the content they want to see. The thing is, 82% of all consumers like receiving videos from their favorite brands.

That’s a big gap to bridge, but it’s great news for you. Your brand has an opportunity to make more of your customers happy, simply by delivering the video content they want to see. It’s even better when the videos they receive are customized especially for them, like this Personalized Video from the Disney Vacation Club.

How Can a Professional Video Production Company Help?

A video production agency can help your team plan, execute, and scale a video marketing strategy. Getting support can keep your in-house creative team freed up to continue creating their best content. Plus, a video production company can ensure that your videos are top-notch.

Brands are under increasing pressure to create video in multiple formats and aspect ratios. In the United States alone, roughly 70% of users watch video content on their smartphones. To meet users where they are, brands must make sure they’re creating vertical video for mobile devices. That’s in addition to widescreen format videos for platforms like YouTube.

That’s a lot to keep up with — especially when your team already has so much content to manage already. But production support can potentially help your brand to create:

  • Social media videos
  • Short-form Reels, TikTok videos and YouTube Shorts
  • Video testimonials, promotional videos and video ads
  • Polished, sophisticated brand films
  • Animated explainer videos
  • Video case studies

What You Should Look for in a Video Production Company

Video marketing campaigns’ success depends on the team behind them. If you’re thinking about hiring a video production company or creative agency, there are some important things you should look out for.

Top-Notch, Studio Quality Video

Don’t hire an agency to produce your corporate video unless they have a strong portfolio of top-notch, high quality videos. Brand videos are key to a successful digital marketing campaign these days. But if your video content doesn’t represent your brand well and leave a lasting impression on viewers, you might not see great ROI.

Whether you’re a big brand or a small startup, it’s important for your video to stand out. This video from Delta Airlines is a great example of a Personalized Video with professional production quality.

Versatility and Specialized Skill Sets

A versatile video production team can help your brand produce a wide variety of creative video for your marketing campaigns. We’ve talked a bit about the types of video brands need these days. In addition to multiple aspect ratios and videos formatted for social platforms, a production company can create animated video, motion graphics, documentaries, and more.

Looking for 2D animation, 3D animation, green screen video or special effects? An outside team specializing in video production can bring cutting-edge expertise you might not already have in-house.

Do you need a film crew? Maybe yes, maybe not. One tactic if you want to avoid hiring videographers is to repurpose past footage you might already have and rework it into new video content.

Take a look at this loyalty video from the Southampton Football Club, for instance. The video shows a season in review pulling clips from the past season.

The Ability To Personalize Your Brand Videos

When it comes to production, it’s important to find a video team that can help you create and deliver Personalized Video content to customers. With so many online brands clamoring for audience attention, it’s important to do everything you can to stand out. In the eyes of your target audience, Personalized Video will set your brand apart from the competition.

Video that’s personalized is 4x more likely to make your customers feel that you value them. It’s also 3x more likely to inspire your audience to trust and recommend you. Finally, customers who are on the fence about purchasing from or remaining loyal to your brand will be 3.5x more inclined to stick with you if they receive Personalized Videos.

On top of that, Personalized Video gets 10x more engagement and a 9x boost in conversions. If you’re looking for ROI, Personalized Videos might just be your best investment.

It’s undeniable that video content is even more powerful when you personalize it. But not just any production company can create it for you, especially if you have thousands, or even millions, of customers to reach. If you want to personalize your videos, working with a video production company that’s familiar with dynamic scenes and industry best practices is a good idea.

Here’s a video our studio did for Kensington Tours. Watch how the personal data blends seamlessly with the creative.

One thing to keep in mind when it comes to data is that security matters. Be sure to ask plenty of questions when interviewing pro video teams who create Personalized Videos, such as whether they’re certified to handle user data safely and responsibly.

This seems a good time to point out that we’re ISO 27001 information security certified and SOC 2 Type 2 compliant. We also have a proven track record serving international industry leaders in sectors where data security is paramount, like healthcare and finance.

Smooth Pre-Production and Post-Production Processes

A full-service video production company with years of experience will have its production process down to an art form.

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Commercial video production has many moving parts. If you hire a production team, you’ll want one that knows all the ins and outs of executing the production process smoothly. The video production process is broken down into:

  • Pre-production, which involves information gathering and preparation
  • Production, which can include filming, animation and graphic design
  • Post-production, which involves video editing and finalization

A full-service video production company with years of experience will have these processes down to an art form. That’s what makes the best video production companies truly stand out. It’s not just about an end result that looks great — it’s about how well the entire process operates, from start to finish.

Excellent Creative

Beyond quality video production, good creative matters. Clients who work with Idomoo have an Emmy award-winning studio at their fingertips. And when you choose our SwaT approach, we’ll put our creative team to work for your brand. Using Idomoo technology, we’ll deliver dynamic, data-driven videos at scale.

There’s no better way to wow your customers than through beautiful, engaging video. From storyboarding to post-production, our team will help you launch your next video marketing campaign with ease.

You’ve Got Choices

So is it really necessary to hire a professional video production company to produce branded video content? That really depends on your budget, your capacity and which workflow is best for your team. Luckily, you have choices.

Whether you’re a Fortune 500 or a nonprofit, Idomoo’s video production platform puts you in the driver’s seat. We help both large and small businesses create dynamic videos at scale. With enterprise pricing options based on volume and support level, we strive to make corporate video production available to businesses of all sizes.

While we’re not a video marketing agency, our video platform lets you add data at scale to video scenes. Idomoo can also incorporate interactivity in your videos. Alternatively, we now have an AI video tool that assists with creating scenes.

If you need help from a production team, we have an in-house studio that can come alongside your brand for video creation. Think of it as service with a technology, aka SwaT (like SaaS — get it? — but heavy on the customer service to make things easy on you). Together, we’ll create Personalized Videos your audience will love.

Need an extra hand with your next dynamic video campaign? Our in-house studio can help you produce data-driven videos your customers will love. Get in touch today to learn more about Idomoo and how our creative team can help.

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