Related posts: marketing

Become an Expert in Interactive Marketing

Become an Expert in Interactive Marketing with These 5 Tips

In the world of customer-driven marketing, interactive experiences are gaining traction. After all, marketing isn’t really about the brand — it’s about the customer and their needs. Interactivity highlights this, letting current and potential customers guide the digital experience so they get what they want out of it. And frankly,

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The Secret to CX

The Secret to a Customer-Centric Digital CX Strategy

A version of this article appeared on CMSWire. You can read it here. Looking for the secret to a better, more customer-focused digital CX strategy? You’re not alone. Brands are increasingly embracing digital customer experiences across the customer journey. But there’s a serious gap between how effective brands think these

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Why Your Business Needs Explainer Videos

Why Your Business Needs Explainer Videos (With Examples)

How-to videos have grown in popularity to become a chief tool in our learning experiences. They condense lengthy explanations. They clearly navigate complex terms with visual aids. And they’re beloved across audiences. Of the content categories on YouTube, how-to videos are the most popular, even surpassing music clips and gaming.

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Dynamic Videos

Dynamic Videos and Mortgages: Why They Work Well Together

Personalized Video and mortgages — how (and why) do they fit together so well? It might not seem like an obvious connection, but let me explain. For the last 10 years before joining as a director of sales and account manager, I’ve been a marketing strategist in the mortgage industry.

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Cutting Call Volume for Telecoms

Cutting Call Volume for Telecoms: How Dynamic Videos Help

According to an Ericsson survey, it takes smartphone users 4.1 days to successfully complete an interaction with a service provider, on average. And this has a massive impact on satisfaction levels — the number of satisfied customers decreases by nearly 30% after more than 1 day of trying to resolve

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Top 3 Personalization Trends

Top 3 Personalization Trends To Watch in 2023

The demand for personalization shows no signs of slowing down, especially as we approach a new year. But personalization isn’t just growing — it’s evolving. Marketers can expect to see noticeable differences in 2023. Think about new privacy laws, technologies and other shifts to the digital marketing landscape. These will

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Improving Customer Experience

Improving Customer Experience in the Telecom Industry

The telecom industry is changing, thanks to a growing number of subscribers, new technologies and other fast-paced trends. But while the industry’s services and products are rapidly evolving, their digital experience is falling behind. According to an Ericsson survey, only a third of customers believe their telecom company understands their

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How Standard Life Boosts Contributions

How Standard Life Boosts Contributions With Data-Driven Video

It’s no secret that pensions can be complicated. And when savers fail to understand their pension, they’re unlikely to engage with it. To tackle this issue, top pension provider Standard Life is simplifying complicated topics with data-driven videos. The campaign, launched in collaboration with BT’s Division X Messaging Team and

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Winning Pension Attention

Winning Pension Attention: A New Challenge for Providers

Unclaimed pension pots are now equal to roughly £19.4 billion, according to the Association of British Insurers. But people aren’t just misplacing their pension pots — they’re forgetting about them. Pension awareness is alarmingly low, and it’s become a huge threat to the financial futures of savers everywhere. Just 20%

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