Related posts: customer service

Why Banking Loyalty Is More Important Than Ever

Why Banking Loyalty Is More Important Than Ever

The value of brand loyalty cannot be overstated — especially in the banking sector. Loyal customers recommend their bank up to 6x more, spend 25% more (on average) on their credit cards and are less likely to switch to a competitor, according to a study by Bain & Company. It’s

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Credit Unions Gone Digital: How Video Adds a Personal Touch

Credit Unions Gone Digital: How Video Adds a Personal Touch

For decades, credit unions have offered incredible rates, low fees and face-to-face interactions — an exceptional CX many traditional, major banks are unable to offer. And it’s obvious this customer-first approach works. An impressive 90% of surveyed members believe credit unions are a great place to find both financial advice

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How Mortgage Lenders Boost Satisfaction With Dynamic Video

How Mortgage Lenders Boost Satisfaction With Dynamic Video

How has the mortgage industry adapted to our increasingly digital world? For one, mortgage companies have upped the ante on their digital transformation efforts across all facets of their businesses. Automation — from collecting payments to customer communications and everything in between — continues to be a top priority for

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Group of Gen Z consumers laughing together

How To Create Personalized Experiences for Gen Z Consumers

A version of this article appeared originally on Customer Experience Magazine. You can read it here. When it comes to customer experience, the newest generation of consumers is set to disrupt the status quo. They have different brand expectations, as you’ll see below, and they’re poised to have the economic

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