Related posts: customer service

How to prevent Customer Loss

Churn Management: How To Prevent Customer Loss

Churn management is an important component of any business. Research shows that it’s 5x-6x more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to simply retain an old one, underscoring the importance of preventing churn by keeping your current clients happy and engaged. To help your business drive long-term

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The Ultimate Guide to Personalized Video

The Ultimate Guide to Personalized Video

From reducing service calls by 30% to uplifting conversions by 9x, we’ve seen firsthand how Personalized Video can improve the customer experience and drive real results for businesses. While Personalized Video is undeniably transforming how we connect with audiences, the concept can be a bit confusing at first. Is it

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Safeguarding Patient Data: A Guide To Secure Personalization in Healthcare

In today’s world, healthcare demands a tailored experience. No longer satisfied with a one-size-fits-all approach, patients want every aspect of their healthcare journey — from communications to services — to be aligned with their specific needs and preferences. In response, healthcare organizations have turned to personalization, an approach that, according

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rolling out the red carpet for customers

From SaaS to SwaT: A Service-First Tech Model

In the unabated sprint towards all things AI, it seems humanity is being left in the digital dust. Are we really ready to let our experiences be governed solely by software? Or do we still yearn for the comfort of human connections and trusted fellow travelers to help guide us

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How To Reduce Customer Churn With Personalization

How To Reduce Customer Churn With Personalization

When something is broken in your business, it can be difficult to come together as a team and identify the root of the problem. In the case of customer churn, however, there’s a strong consensus among industry experts who say that your broader customer experience strategy has a profound impact

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How Video Marketing Clarifies Bill Communication

How Video Marketing Clarifies Bill Communication

Go ahead — shout out some words to describe video marketing. Sleek? Modern? Easy to watch? Engaging? Now think of how you’d describe bill communication. Dry? Confusing? Boring? Boring? Did I guess right? In general, video gets labeled trendy and fun (if you said “expensive,” you need to read the

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5 Reasons Your Customer

5 Reasons Your Customer Service Strategy Isn’t Working

You know customer service matters. The vast majority (95%) of consumers say it’s critical for brand loyalty. And 93% of customers are likely to make repeat purchases with companies that provide excellent customer service. But an influx of new technology, processes and channels have made customer service increasingly complex, leaving

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Cutting Call Volume for Telecoms

Cutting Call Volume for Telecoms: How Dynamic Videos Help

According to an Ericsson survey, it takes smartphone users 4.1 days to successfully complete an interaction with a service provider, on average. And this has a massive impact on satisfaction levels — the number of satisfied customers decreases by nearly 30% after more than 1 day of trying to resolve

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