Related posts: customer service

The One Marketing Automation Hack That Deserves Your Attention

What are we talking about when we talk about marketing automation? On a basic level, it refers to software platforms designed to automate marketing tasks like email, social media and website actions. Ideally it’s implemented not just as a time-saver, but so that brands can deliver intelligently designed, personalized experiences

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How Video Personalization Solves A Major Marketing Challenge

In 2015, Econsultancy conducted a survey asking 4,000 marketers what they thought were going to be the top digital trends heading towards 2020. 24% of respondents said they were steadily increasing focus on customer experience, and 23% said personalization played a large role in their upcoming marketing plans.

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5 Surprising Ways Video Marketing Can Improve Customer Retention

If you’re looking to improve your customer retention, start with increasing your customer engagement. We’ve talked about it before: engagement makes up a huge piece of the retention puzzle. Engaged customers make purchases 90% more frequently, they spend 60% more transaction and they are 5X more likely to indicate that

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