8 Video Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024

For marketers, staying on top of the latest trends is crucial to designing future strategies that get results. With video dominating the content landscape and constantly evolving, video marketing is no exception. From the latest technology to popular content styles, there are a handful of new developments in video marketing expected to make an impact this year.

To help you stay ahead of the curve, here are 8 video marketing trends to watch in 2024.

1. AI Video Expands

With everyone talking about ChatGPT and the creative power of artificial intelligence, it was only a matter of time before AI videos came on the scene.

The generative AI market is expected to reach $42.6 billion this year and over $98 billion by 2026.

Meta announced Make-a-Video at the end of 2022, a text-to-video tool that can create short video clips from basic text prompts. Think of a short clip of a dog riding a bicycle or a teddy bear painting his self-portrait. Not to be outdone, Google soon followed with Imagen Video, a similar tool showing things like a teddy bear running in traffic in NYC, an elephant walking under water on his birthday and a wooden boat taking off into space. And who’s to say these aren’t things the world needs?

While there are many other text-to-video tools out there, most don’t create a video with a lot of practical use. They’re also pretty short, around the length of a GIF.

That is, until we launched Lucas. Lucas is the world’s first AI able to create complete videos via a simple chat input. Users chat with Lucas to tell him what they need — an ad for their bakery, an invite to a baby shower, etc. — and he instantly generates a few videos to choose from. You can edit the video text, change the voiceover artist and more right in the interface.

Here’s one example of a video Lucas made without any additional edits, just based on a text prompt.

It’s free to get started and learn how you can make AI videos in under a minute.

We only expect AI video to grow from here. Can’t wait to see what the next year brings!

2. User-Generated Content Goes Interactive

User-generated content is already a huge part of video marketing with campaigns like the GoPro Awards encouraging fans worldwide to film, edit and submit their own content. In 2024, though, UGC is set to explode even more as customisable videos pick up steam. What’s a customisable video?

Enabled by Living Video technology, these videos update in real time based on information viewers input or select directly in the player. The result? Content that is relevant and customised for each viewer.

Rather than passively relying on content that people create on their own, brands can now empower viewers to become creators. Try it out for yourself with our car calculator demo below.

This technology brings UGC to a whole new level. With the foundation of the video provided for them, it’s easier for users to create their own content. This leads to more user-generated videos and a much greater reach and engagement than a single piece of brand content.

At the same time, this type of video also allows brands to have more control over their branding in user-generated content and helps them understand more about their audience based on the info viewers share. A win-win in our books!

3. Short-Form and Snackable

From TikTok to Instagram Reels to YouTube Shorts, short-form video has been taking over nearly every content platform out there. The trend is expected to continue, with videos staying “snackable” to capture short attention spans and breaks in between browsing other content.

Being able to do more in less time is now a necessary skill for marketers looking to engage with consumers. In many cases, you’ll have less than 30 seconds to both get the viewer’s attention and make your point.

Luckily, that’s the beauty of video. You can simultaneously use visuals, audio and text to get your message across in a short amount of time. Just keep in mind these best practices for short-form video.

  • The first few seconds are crucial. Capture their attention right at the beginning so they don’t swipe or click away.
  • Keep mobile in mind. Research company eMarketer found that over 75% of worldwide video viewing is mobile, so don’t neglect vertical formats and have links be mobile-friendly. With the latest video tech, you can even create a video that can adapt to different formats based on the viewer’s device.
  • Where you post affects what you post. Each platform, from your website to apps, has a particular style of content that performs best and often a unique audience. Be sure to create your video with the channel in mind.

4. Personalisation Stays Relevant

While personalisation has been a key ingredient in digital marketing for years, it’s become increasingly beneficial for video. Rather than be bombarded with irrelevant content, viewers are expecting the videos they see to be catered to their interests. Think of the data-driven targeting with Netflix’s recommendations or TikTok’s “For You” page and add in 1:1 personalisation — your video knowing you by name.

And marketers need to keep up. Using customer data, videos can be personalised to the individual viewer. Considering the fact that 72% of consumers say they only engage with personalised messaging, this will be a trend worth investing in.

The possibilities are truly endless when it comes to personalising videos. They can be used to welcome a new customer, share an exclusive offer or proactively answer common questions so your call centre isn’t overloaded.

One of the most popular forms of Personalised Video that has taken off recently is year-in-review recaps.

These engage customers with personalised highlights of memorable brand experiences. We’ve seen these in industries ranging from gaming to travel, and, each time, customers share them with their own social network, increasing reach and virality.

5. Time To Go Live

Enabled by better streaming quality and the roll-out of “live” features across various platforms, live streams have been growing in popularity. Once a global pandemic was added to the mix, the idea of watching someone stream online was propelled to the mainstream. One study estimates that the live streaming market will reach $247 billion by 2027.

Going live on social media or streaming platforms like Twitch is a great way to engage with your audience in real time. On Facebook, for example, live videos on average get 6x as many interactions as regular videos.

And that’s just one of the advantages of going live. According to surveyed business execs, other top benefits of producing live streaming video events include:

  • More authentic interaction with the audience (79%)
  • Bring a human element to digital marketing (63%)
  • Creating a library of content that can be viewed or re-purposed later (61%)
  • Learning from real-time audience feedback (60%)

Another bonus for live videos? Earning top priority on many social platforms. Because they occur in real time, social media algorithms often show live streams first. By going live, not only can you connect in real time with your audience, but you may even be boosted by the platform itself.

6. Shoppable Videos

Video has long been used to elevate the online shopping experience. Video demonstrations of products, customer video reviews, hauls, ad spots and more have all played a part in encouraging customers to buy a brand’s product or service.

Highly interactive, shoppable videos are expected to grow in 2024.

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Thanks to Interactive Video, the viewing experience can be transformed with clickable elements. Shoppable videos, where you can make online purchases by clicking directly in the video, are expected to gain traction in 2024.

Pro tip: These videos can even be linked to data like retail inventory, allowing them to be updated in real time to reflect the most relevant products.

The biggest advantage of shoppable videos is that they enable a seamless customer experience. The ease with which viewers can buy an eye-catching product in a video directly drives conversions. See how it works by clicking some of the shoes in the demo below.

It doesn’t stop there. Live-stream shopping broadcasts are taking over social media. We saw the launch of Instagram Live Shopping a year ago, and now 89% of shoppers say they plan to increase their live shopping over the next year. Following on the heels of Twitter and Pinterest, TikTok has also joined the live video shopping trend. YouTube is doing the same.

To sum up, pretty soon, video content you can shop from will be the standard, whether it’s in app, on social media, on the web or sent via email.

7. Video Takes Over CX

Proven to be a versatile tool, video is going beyond the world of advertising and even marketing to upgrade the customer experience in new ways. Whether it’s a service interaction or a renewal message, touchpoints across the customer journey can be elevated through the use of video.

With video, those touchpoints become more human — personalised and engaging. It’s VIP treatment for every customer, even when you have millions of customers around the globe.

Take what happened in the mortgages industry with forbearance, for example. As customers saw their forbearance period coming to a close, they were panicking — and calling their mortgage company en masse. In this situation, a Personalised Video is the next-best thing to a customer care representative talking with you personally. The videos calmed customer concerns, helped answer their questions and relieved pressure on call centres, driving down call volume by as much as 73%.

In the coming year, the use of dynamic videos as a tool for handling customer service and improving CX is expected to grow. Videos personalised for the viewer are particularly well-suited to this purpose since the information included is specific to each individual, adding a human touch to the customer experience.

8. Accessibility Leads to Authenticity

As it’s become easier to create and publish videos, the landscape of content has leveled out. With minimal barriers to entry, video content these days is created by anyone and everyone.

The result? It’s no longer all about fancy b-roll or high-level productions. Authentic and relevant videos have emerged as the most engaging kind of content, and this trend is showing no signs of slowing down.

This is great news for brands and companies who have been hesitant to jump on the video marketing train. Don’t worry about whether your scenes are Hollywood-quality. It’s about the quality of the actual content. Simpler videos with 2D animation can inspire as much engagement as highly produced content, so long as it’s relevant, authentic and on-brand.

This trend is being spearheaded, in large part, by Gen Z, which values authenticity and transparency from brands. Forget about high-paid models and fancy shoots. Over 80% of this video-loving generation trusts a company more when they use actual customers in their ads (all the more reason to leverage UGC in your video content).


Find out just how personal Gen Z wants brands to be

The Future of Video Marketing

Need a little help tapping into those upcoming trends? Idomoo’s Next Generation Video Platform makes data-driven video marketing simple.

Specialising in personalised, interactive and contextualised videos, our platform is equipped with automation tools and an intuitive web interface to get your campaign up and running in a matter of days. That includes the most cutting-edge video trends, like UGC-enabled videos and AI videos.

So what are you waiting for? Learn more about how we can help you take on the future by booking a demo with one of our video experts today.

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