Related posts: customer engagement

Surprising Statistics About Video Engagement

52 Surprising Statistics About Video Engagement

You’ll be surprised at just how keen people are to watch video, and how effective video can be on engagement, purchase decisions and your bottom line. As these video marketing stats show, it’s not just a content medium — it’s a tool brands can use to connect emotionally, build trust

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How to prevent Customer Loss

Churn Management: How To Prevent Customer Loss

Churn management is an important component of any business. Research shows that it’s 5x-6x more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to simply retain an old one, underscoring the importance of preventing churn by keeping your current clients happy and engaged. To help your business drive long-term

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The Ultimate Guide to Personalised Video

The Ultimate Guide to Personalised Video

From reducing service calls by 30% to uplifting conversions by 9x, we’ve seen firsthand how Personalized Video can improve the customer experience and drive real results for businesses. While Personalized Video is undeniably transforming how we connect with audiences, the concept can be a bit confusing at first. Is it

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Hyper-Personalisation in Retail: Why the Hype Is Right

Hyper-Personalisation in Retail: Why the Hype Is Right

Hyper-personalization is changing retail. But how? Picture this: You log into your favorite online grocery store, and it instantly knows what you need. It suggests recipes based on your diet and usual purchases, highlights sales on your favorite products and even recommends new items you’ll love. At checkout, your preferred

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6 Video Marketing Examples We Love and Why They Work

6 Video Marketing Examples We Love and Why They Work

In this distracted and tuned-out world, brands need creative ways to engage consumers, and video consistently delivers. According to our State of Video Technology report, 83% of consumers say they want more videos from brands, with 82% of those who have received video saying they enjoy the content. Better yet,

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It’s Time To Upgrade Your Personalised Infographic to Video

How To Effectively Engage Gamers With Personalised Video and Infographics

In the entertainment industry, personalized recaps are here to stay. Think of viral marketing campaigns like Spotify “Wrapped” or Call of Duty’s #MyWarzone Legacy. These dynamic campaigns perform so well not only because they’re personalized but also because they surface interesting insights about the customer. For “Wrapped,” it could be

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Customer Engagement Metrics Every Marketer Should Know

29 Customer Engagement Metrics Every Marketer Should Know

Looking to improve your customer engagement strategy? In a world driven by data, understanding and connecting with your audience requires diving into the numbers that matter — the metrics that reveal how your customers engage with your brand. Knowing these metrics not only helps in strategizing but also in forecasting

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Why Is Customer Engagement Important? The Hidden Tie to ROI

Why Is Customer Engagement Important? The Hidden Tie to ROI

In today’s fast-paced and constantly evolving business landscape, customer engagement has become more vital than ever before. It’s no longer enough to simply attract customers. Businesses must now find ways to actively involve them, fostering a relationship that goes beyond the initial purchase. According to a report by Harvard Business

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7 Tips for a Personalised Year-in-Review Video

7 Tips for a Personalised Year-in-Review Video

For many, the new year is an opportunity to look back at memories made — the good times, the big wins, maybe some lessons learned. It’s a period of reflection and celebration, and tapping into this sentiment is a great way to create deeper connections with your audience. With the

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