Customer Engagement Solution

Finally, Customer
Engagement That Works

Why Customer Engagement Matters

How Idomoo Boosts Customer Engagement

Automate Staying in Touch

Never forget a customer milestone again. With data-driven video, it’s easy to stay top of mind throughout the customer journey in a way that’s personal and human.

Improve Customer Education

Take a proactive approach to customer service by personally answering questions before they’re asked. It makes for happier customers who call you less.

Recap Their Highlights

Put your customer in the spotlight and remind them why they love you with a personalised year in review. It’s perfect for social sharing, broadening your reach.

Wow With Interactive Video

For even higher engagement, let users interact with their video. From links to branching to UGC, advanced video interactivity creates a next-level CX.

Customer Engagement Results

Take a look at some of the results from our clients’ customer engagement campaigns.
1 x
in social sharing
1 x
newsletter sign-ups
1 M
uplift in app store visits
1 %
video completion
1 %

Case Study

Personalized Video Increases
Engagement 4x for Standard Life

It’s hard to drive customer engagement in any industry, but especially financial services when the payoff (like investing in your pension) won’t happen for years. Here’s how Standard Life and BT used video to boost contributions.

What Customers Are Saying

Idomoo's technology has enabled us to empower and engage the Ubisoft gaming community, and their reaction has been amazing.
Working with Idomoo on developing personalised videos was a total game changer for our demand gen marketing strategy. Their team’s creativity and attention to detail ensured the videos resonated well with our audience, resulting in increased engagement and conversion.
Idomoo’s platform allowed us to create and send Personalised Videos out to customers and prove an increase in both engagement and financial results.
Idomoo made a real impact on the way we communicate and engage with our customers in a proactive manner. Personalised Video brings us closer to our customers, raises their satisfaction … and lowers our service overhead.
We’ve found that using Idomoo technology to engage with our customers, sustains and promotes our brand image as well as providing a high ROI.

Customer Engagement Videos

Patient Education
Financial Times
Year in Review
WW (Weight Watchers)
Year in Review
Year in Review
National Grid
Year in Review
Orangetheory Fitness
Year in Review
The Hartford
B2B2C Communications
Player Recap

Let’s Talk

See how we help the world’s top brands, from banks to video game publishers, increase their customer engagement. Get in touch to learn more.

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