Why Loyalty Programs
Need To Be Personalised
Hint: The answer has to do with your ROI.
5 Surprising Ways Video Marketing Can Improve Customer Retention
If you’re looking to improve your customer retention rate, video marketing might just be your secret weapon. We’ve talked about it before. Customer engagement positively impacts ROI, with fully engaged customers more likely to stay loyal and spend more money over time. And here’s where video comes: It’s one of
4 Creative Video Ideas You Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Try
How often have you told your video marketing team, or even been instructed yourself, to think outside the box? While the notion of “thinking outside the box” conjures groundbreaking and exciting creative video ideas, many people are hesitant to commit to creatively risky concepts — especially when those concepts need
Why These 6 Popular Video Marketing Campaigns Work
Video marketing is a powerful tool for effectively communicating with customers. Because it’s a multisensory medium, a good script is just the beginning when it comes to crafting a truly great video. Below are 6 successful video marketing campaigns that have driven conversation, social shares, emotional reactions and some really
How To Use Emotional Marketing With Video for Great Results
Our transition to an increasingly online world has made emotional marketing more important than ever. Interactions take place on screen instead of face to face. We text, rather than talk. This makes meaningful connections even harder, especially between brands and consumers. A study conducted by PwC found that 59% of
Are You Measuring These Key B2C Marketing Metrics?
Marketing has evolved from somewhat of an art into a very precise and quantifiable science. No marketing campaign should ever be rolled out without a robust understanding of how to measure whether your campaign was a resounding success or, contrarily, a bit of a let-down. Your marketing efforts should not
What the World Would Be Like Without Marketing Personalisation
Imagine, if you will, a world without marketing personalisation. A world where, regardless of how many times you interacted with a company, no matter how frequently you set preferences and shared data about yourself, you weren’t treated like an individual. Heck, you weren’t even remembered. Can people live without marketing
How To Drive Action: The Psychology of Customer Engagement
Understanding the psychology behind customer engagement can help you inspire your audience to take action. When you know how to drive action through effective engagement, you’ll experience higher ROI in your business. That’s because customer engagement is critical to your business’s success. Many companies design their products and services using
5 Tips To Create Support Videos for Your Customer Portal
Customer preferences and needs change over time. Among the recent rising consumer trends is the demand for self-service options. A recent report revealed that 81% of consumers want more self-service options — yet, only 15% of them expressed a high level of satisfaction with the tools available to them today.
How Personalisation Builds Consumer Trust Across Industries
Building trust with your customers is one of the most effective ways to retain customers long-term and benefit from their word-of-mouth referrals. Every business wants to score customers for life — and trust is key to locking in those relationships. When a consumer trusts a brand, they’re more likely to:
How To Market to Millennials With Personalisation: The Ultimate Guide
Defined as the generation born from 1981 to 1996, millennials have long evolved past their stereotypes as tech-savvy teens. Well into their late 20s to early 40s, this cohort is now settling into established careers, starting families and making major financial moves. And as the generation with the most buying
Mastering Interactive Video: Tools and Techniques
The way we create and consume content is constantly changing. Now, video takes precedence in digital marketing, but for most professionals, that’s no surprise. Interactive Video, on the other hand, is yet another layer in the engagement onion. The enhanced functionality keeps viewers more engaged and allows them to be
AI Corporate Video in Action: How AI Is Changing the Way Businesses Create Content
Creating videos has never been easy. Trying to add more corporate video content across an entire company? Sometimes it feels nigh impossible. But AI is here to help. Thanks to the recent advances in AI-generated video content, creating engaging video is easier than ever — for anyone in your organization.
Hyper-Personalisation vs. Personalisation: What You Need To Know
Today’s consumers are no longer easily impressed by generic marketing efforts. Having grown used to seeing their name in an email or getting a discount code on their birthday, they expect a higher level of attention and service. This is where hyper-personalized marketing comes in. While personalization has been a
How AI Is Revolutionising Personalised Video Creation
Personalised Video content is quickly becoming a must-have for businesses. According to a consumer survey, video is the most memorable type of content from brands, and with nearly 73% of all consumers wanting more personalised communications, the demand for tailored video experiences is clear. Fortunately, advancements in artificial intelligence (AI)
Hyper-Personalisation Puts the ‘Care’ Back in Healthcare
When a patient is going through the healthcare process, the last thing they want to feel like is a number. Unfortunately, that’s often what ends up happening, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Healthcare stakeholders across the spectrum — providers, payors, and medical device, wellness and pharmaceutical organizations