Personalised Video for Utilities

It’s time to upgrade your self-serve toolset. Use Personalised Video to help customers save energy, sign up for special offers and finally understand their bill. Our Next Generation Video Platform takes care of it all — automated, scalable and simple.

Client Results in the Utilities Industry

Utilities are slow to adopt digital customer engagement tech, but those who do rank higher according to J.D. Power. Industry leaders are turning to Idomoo to accelerate their digital transformation with amazing results.
1 x
fewer support calls
1 %
1 %
NPS points
+ 1

Client Campaigns

National Grid
Year in Review
Customer Support
Green Initiatives
National Grid
Year in Review
Green Initiatives
American Water
Gas Natural Fenosa
Upsell & Cross-Sell

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How Personalisation Builds Consumer Trust Across Industries

How Personalisation Builds Consumer Trust Across Industries

Building trust with your customers is one of the most effective ways to retain customers long-term and benefit from their word-of-mouth referrals. Every business wants to score customers for life — and trust is key to locking in those relationships. When a consumer trusts a brand, they’re more likely to: Purchase: 63% of consumers say they would buy a trusted brand’s new products and even buy from the brand when it’s more expensive than competitors. Stay loyal: 55% say they wouldn’t shop around for other brands, even if the brand makes a mistake or is accused of wrongdoing. Advocate: 53% would recommend the fully trusted brand to other people. Building this trust has become even more crucial recently. According to Edelman, 71% of consumers say it’s more important to trust the brand they buy or use today than in the past. This trend is especially pronounced among Gen Z, with

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