Why Loyalty Programs
Need To Be Personalised
Hint: The answer has to do with your ROI.
Drum Roll Please… Idomoo, Barclays and Rapp Win the Drum Award
Barclays, the seventh largest bank in the world, was awarded a Drum Award for its Personal Lending Video campaign aimed at increasing mail open rates and awareness around borrowing from the bank. Designed by the firm Rapp and based on Idomoo video personalisation technology, the film provides the customer with
Personalised Video Is Changing the Way We Communicate
The legend goes that when the people gathered to view the exhibit of Auguste and Louis Lumière, they were so afraid of the moving image of a train barreling towards them that they ran from the darkened tent in fear. So it is at the birth of a new medium,
The experts guide to a $1000 video ad – Idomoo
There is no inexpensive solution when making a video advertisement. It can cost you as much as $5 million (that is at the Super Bowl) or even thousands of dollars considering that 100,000 PPC pop-ups on YouTube can cost $.05, and will cost you minimally $5000.
More Meaningful Measurements for Inbound Marketing Success
Dollar for dollar, inbound or content marketing generates three times as many leads as those generated by traditional marketing techniques. For most inbound marketers, clicks and conversions are the most relevant markers of marketing success, but the big picture is more complicated than a simple click.