6 Video Marketing Examples We Love and Why They Work

Video Marketing Examples

In this distracted and tuned-out world, brands need creative ways to engage consumers, and video consistently delivers. Almost 90% of consumers say they want more videos from brands, and 87% of marketers report that video gives them positive ROI.

Whether it’s laugh-out-loud video clips or the heartwarming videos that make us feel warm and fuzzy, video has an emotional appeal unlike other media. It engages on multiple levels with movement, sound, in-video text and more — the next best thing to being there in person, connecting 1:1 with the brand.

In this post, we’ll explore some of the best video marketing examples from brands and explain why they work. We’ll also talk about how you can make short marketing videos even closer to a 1:1, personal connection with your customer.

First up? A telecommunications company with a knack for storytelling.

Video Marketing Meets Storytelling With O2

This video from the O2 Refresh campaign takes a storytelling approach to upselling. Instead of going straight for the sale, it sends consumers on a ride into the future. As they tell it, upgrading is “like being whisked off on a surprise trip.” Doesn’t that sound fun?

Look for personalised elements within the video that help make the story more relevant, and therefore more immersive, for the viewer. Here’s one at the 39-second mark: the number of O2 WiFi hotspots in Glasgow, where this customer, Tom, lives.

The number of O2 WiFi hotspots in Glasgow

Of course, the storytelling has a practical side, too. The video clearly explains how the customer can trade in their device to save money on their upgrade.

This video marketing example works on several levels:

  • Uses humor and a conversational tone to engage viewers
  • Makes the benefits easy to understand at a glance
  • Creates a sense of excitement by putting the customer at the centre of the story

Song and Dance, Burberry-Style

Burberry got everyone talking with its 2020 Christmas advertisement. The video was an all-singing, all-dancing affair, with the dancers dressed in Burberry’s latest merch.

In the short marketing video, Burberry uses an updated version of “Singin’ in the Rain.” Its popularity on YouTube shows how Burberry managed to capture our imaginations.

What makes it so appealing?

  • Timing: Its message was unity at a time when so many of us were apart from others due to COVID.
  • Energy: The video is loaded with optimism, capturing a bright mood even with a fairly short clip. That’s the kind of positivity you want people to associate with your brand.
  • Storytelling: Do we need to say it again? Setting the scene helps create a story. The dancing is all the more magical because the backdrop seems like everyday real life.

Adidas Captures Customers on Camera

What about a campaign that puts your customer in the video — not just metaphorically like in the O2 example above — but literally. That’s what adidas did for some 30,000 Boston Marathon runners.

As a sponsor of the Boston Marathon, adidas sent a dynamic video to each runner, including race data and actual footage of that runner. Talk about a way to stand out from the crowd!

Did it work? Absolutely. Over a quarter of runners shared their video, and product sales from emails with the video rose nearly 12x

If you’re wondering what made it so successful, two things stand out.

  • Instant shareability: People love sharing content about themselves. This video hit the sweet spot to let people brag on their achievement — and who doesn’t love that?
  • Inspiring and compelling: Even if you didn’t take part in the Boston Marathon (I didn’t), you probably feel the energy of the video as you watch it. The theme is creating legends and it’s backed up in the music, text, visuals, everything.

McDonald’s Takes a Tip From Customers

McDonald’s rarely disappoints with its video campaigns. Remember the LeBron advert from years back?

Fast forward to 2020. Like so many other restaurants, McDonald’s had to shut up shop during the pandemic. But they announced their comeback in a big way. The song of choice for their video? “Return of the Mack,” of course.

If you don’t know the song, it was a massive hit in the U.K. for Mark Morrison back in 1996. McDonald’s use of this tune is unique because it was actually suggested by fans — around 15,000 Twitter users.

When you need inspiration for your next short marketing video, consider asking the people you’re making it for: your customers.

Zynga Gets Personal With Recap Campaigns

Zynga is a leading game developer that has created wildly popular mobile games. As part of its #WhatsYourWordStyle campaign, Zynga used a recap video to remind players why they love the game. The goal? Reengaging disengaged players and promoting a new feature in the game.

Videos included key stats like the player’s winning streak and average points. And they were personalised, so the facts and figures were just for the individual player who received the recap. The campaign was a hit, driving feature adoption, engagement and social sharing.

Dynamic video recap campaigns work in a range of industries, from hospitality to wellness.

Results from personalised recap videos:

  • 5x uplift in social sharing
  • 81% conversion rate
  • 10x higher engagement

As you can see, combining personalisation with video is an effective strategy for capturing consumer attention. A personalised year in review, highlights reel or other recap video is a great way to make it all about them — exactly what customers love.

Fenty Gets Real With UGC

In 2017, singer Rihanna teamed up with Fenty to launch her own line of beauty products. The new brand reportedly sold more than $100 million in just the first few weeks.

Their marketing campaign relied heavily on influencers, especially user-generated video content. Rather than short clips, most of the UGC videos are in-depth reviews that talk viewers through how to use the product and what they think of it. (We actually struggled to find a video under 4 minutes to show as an example. This one by YouTuber Stephanie Villa is more the norm.)

Within days of their launch, Fenty had 1.4 million Instagram followers within days, and their YouTube channel, where they regularly post content, has nearly 750,000 subscribers. Many of the influencers who post videos on Fenty’s behalf are part of their affiliate program, meaning Fenty only pays them if they make a sale, a win-win for the YouTuber and the brand.

  • Takeaways from this strategy?
  • The videos feature real people, showing the viewer what’s possible and creating a sense of authenticity, especially important for Gen Z.
  • The tone is always warm and relatable, well suited for this brand. It’s like getting beauty tips from a friend.
  • Products get the endorsement of influencers who have already earned consumers’ trust.
  • It’s OK to have long videos. Yes, short-form videos can work great, but longer videos — when they add value — are powerful. The average YouTube video length is nearly 12 minutes long.

Real-Life Success Stories From Fitbit

Fitbit got personal with its ”Find Your Reason” video advertising by including inspiring stories of how users had changed their lives by wearing a Fitbit.

Perhaps the most heartwarming story was a woman with Type 2 diabetes who was struggling to get pregnant. After losing weight with help from Fitbit, she’s reversed her diabetes and finally realised her dream of becoming a mom.

Fitbit’s video marketing example confirms two things:

Success stories that illustrate how a product or service is effective (read: changes lives) are vital in a marketing strategy. Remember the old adage to show instead of tell. Video lets you do that.

Diversity is key. Fitbit did a great job, in less than 30 seconds, of showing all kinds of people, reflecting how diverse their customer base is. To make sure your video resonates with your audience, be intentional about the clips you gather, whether it’s UGC or stock footage.

Video Marketing That Works

Video marketing is about understanding what resonates with your audience.

In a world where we often feel disconnected, using video to connect 1:1 with your customer is a great way to get noticed and, more importantly, remembered.

Want to learn more about how to create short marketing videos that wow customers? Download our free ebook covering 9 ways to personalise and repurpose video content.

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