Related posts: marketing

Surprising Statistics About Video Engagement

52 Surprising Statistics About Video Engagement

You’ll be surprised at just how keen people are to watch video, and how effective video can be on engagement, purchase decisions and your bottom line. As these video marketing stats show, it’s not just a content medium — it’s a tool brands can use to connect emotionally, build trust

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Pros and Cons of Hiring a Video Marketing Agency

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Video Marketing Agency

Have you ever come across a video so captivating that you sent it to a friend or colleague without a moment’s thought? In the world of content creation and marketing, which is always changing, there’s one format that’s held steady through it all: video. In fact, consumer demand for video

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The Best Marketing Tools To Use Right Now

The Best Marketing Tools To Use Right Now

Looking for the best marketing tools for your business? Then you’re in the right place! Determining the best way to market your business is challenging. There are hundreds of online marketing tools available, and new trends are constantly emerging. It can be hard to keep up, let alone decide on

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What AI Can (And Can’t) Do in Personalised Marketing

What AI Can (And Can’t) Do in Personalised Marketing

Artificial intelligence is fast becoming the cornerstone of personalized marketing, but what piece is it in the puzzle of modern marketing efforts? Quite a big piece, as it turns out. AI has a hand in the creativity, accuracy and timeliness of marketing campaigns in all kinds of industries. From using

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How to prevent Customer Loss

Churn Management: How To Prevent Customer Loss

Churn management is an important component of any business. Research shows that it’s 5x-6x more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to simply retain an old one, underscoring the importance of preventing churn by keeping your current clients happy and engaged. To help your business drive long-term

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Custom Video Makers: The Go-To Guide for Enterprise Users

Custom Video Makers: The Go-To Guide for Enterprise Users

Chances are you’re here because you’re one of the 91% of businesses using video for marketing purposes. This may leave you scrambling to boost your video marketing budget and ramp up video production. The reason? The allure of increased click-through rates and conversions from video content. But this ain’t Hollywood,

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The Ultimate Guide to Personalised Video

The Ultimate Guide to Personalised Video

From reducing service calls by 30% to uplifting conversions by 9x, we’ve seen firsthand how Personalized Video can improve the customer experience and drive real results for businesses. While Personalized Video is undeniably transforming how we connect with audiences, the concept can be a bit confusing at first. Is it

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How To Turn Your Webpage Into a Video With AI

How To Turn Your Webpage Into a Video With AI

Imagine this scenario. You have a webpage with lots of great information that you’d like your customer to know about. But that’s part of the problem — there’s lots of info there. Wouldn’t it be great if you could wave a magic wand and instantly turn that webpage into a

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6 Video Marketing Examples We Love and Why They Work

6 Video Marketing Examples We Love and Why They Work

In this distracted and tuned-out world, brands need creative ways to engage consumers, and video consistently delivers. According to our State of Video Technology report, 83% of consumers say they want more videos from brands, with 82% of those who have received video saying they enjoy the content. Better yet,

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