Living Video: Interactive, Evergreen and Ready for UGC

Living Video - How It All Started

As you might have heard, video is changing. Thanks to Living Video, a suite of functionalities that are part of Idomoo’s Next Generation Video Platform, videos are now more dynamic than ever.

Videos evolve in real-time based on first- and third-party data. You can interact with them or even change them, right from the player.

But what exactly does this mean, and why does it matter?

To explain, I’ll use an analogy we’re all familiar with — the internet.

Evolution of the Internet


Some people call the internet the greatest invention in the last 50 years. I tend to agree. Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor, did a great job with the first version of the web back in the ’90s. Here’s some things he got right.

  • Easy customisation: It’s pretty simple to create an HTML file. It’s also easy to edit and update the content. Most users can start with a simple web page and later add content and links to additional pages.
  • Hyperlinks and interactivity: By clicking on a link, users can explore the content they want, and that content can come from anywhere on the web.

But the early web, for most users, was static — like a brochure. Brands with websites could update their pages manually, but pages weren’t updated in real time based on the latest data or viewer context. Websites you visited weren’t smart enough to know your screen size or location. And you, as the user, were limited in how you could interact with the site.

Here’s an example of McDonald’s homepage back in 1999. It’s pretty much a series of links — as it was for most brands during Web 1.0.

Fortunately, the web evolved quickly. It became more interactive, user-generated and dynamic.

Web 2.0

For any website you visit today, you expect the following functionalities.

  • Real-time data: The web page shows the latest information and may even have live data feeds integrated with it for up-to-the minute accuracy.
  • Contextualization: The page is adapted to the viewer’s context, such as their location, language or time.
  • Responsiveness: The page adapts to the viewer’s device capabilities and screen size.
  • Interactivity: You can take a number of actions directly from the page.

Comparing Video to the Web

Now, let’s take a look at video.

Today, video is the most popular form of online content. But unlike the rest of the internet, which has become more dynamic and data-driven over the years, video has stayed largely the same: static, generic, unaware of the viewer.

This leads to some major problems.

  • It’s difficult to create. Videos are crafted by experts using specialized tools like Adobe After Effects or non-linear editing suites that take years of training to master.
  • It’s hard to update. If you want to update a video, it requires additional post-production work or sometimes even filming new scenes, all of which requires extra budget, expertise and time.
  • It’s not hyperlinked or actionable. Unlike the rest of the internet, video lives largely in isolation, unlinked to related content elsewhere online.
  • It follows a broadcast model. Modern consumers expect personalised, interactive experiences customised for them as individuals, not the one-way communication style in vogue decades ago.

The Solution? Living Video

Idomoo launched the Next Generation Video Platform, featuring revolutionary Living Video capabilities

It’s time for a change. To solve these issues, Idomoo launched the Next Generation Video Platform, featuring revolutionary Living Video capabilities.

Living Video finally closes the experience gap between a static video and the web. Here’s just a glance at what it can do.

Live Data and Contextualization

For the first time ever, video content can update in real time based on the user’s browsing context and live data sources like local weather, stock prices, product availability and more.

Watch a simple contextual video tailored for you below.


A Living Video is actionable, meaning viewers can control the flow of the story, elevate their level of engagement, and take actions, just like they could on a website, whether that’s clicking to prompt an email or add an item to their online shopping cart.

In-Player Customisation

Viewers can customise a video right from the player. Just a few clicks and they’ve created a brand new video. You choose the customisable fields, whether it’s text, colour, scene selections or more — the options are nearly unlimited.

Here is an example of a video we sent for New Year’s. Viewers can create their own greeting by clicking the lightning bolt icon inside the player toolbar.

Video in the Future

As you can see, Living Video will dramatically change the viewer experience and diversify the ways we can use video. Finally, video is catching up with the rest of the internet.

And this has a direct impact on business results.

  • Viewers will share more videos. User-generated content (UGC) is incredibly shareable. When a user creates something, they’re more likely to show it to others. This drives true virality where content evolves as it’s being adapted and shared by a host of viewers.
  • Videos will be easier to maintain. Most videos today are quickly out of date if there’s anything time-sensitive in them. Living Video changes this. We’ll see company videos, product videos, HR videos and more that are always up-to-date thanks to their ability to integrate with live data feeds.
  • Videos will have higher conversions. When a video is tailored to the viewer’s context and interactive, it’s more engaging. Add to that the ability to click to convert (buy, register, etc.), and you’re avoiding a common point for customer drop-off. With Living Video, the viewer can go straight from watching the video to visiting your online store, setting up a call or whatever you need them to do next.

Video That Evolves

Video that evolves

We never believed in one-size-fits-all video. That’s why we created Personalised Videos that are unique to every viewer, even if you have millions of customers.

Our Next Generation Video Platform is simply the next evolution of dynamic, data-driven video, but it won’t be the last.

Like video, like the internet, at Idomoo, we’re always evolving, pushing the limits of what video can and should do.

Interested in learning more? Browse the Living Video examples in our Video Inspiration Gallery. Or click below to schedule a call with one of our team members. We’d love to show you how the world’s leading video platform can revolutionise your digital communications.

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