Related posts: platform

The 10 Best Video Personalisation Platforms and What They Do

The 10 Best Video Personalisation Platforms and What They Do

From tailored recommendations by retailers to customized playlists by Spotify, personalized experiences are everywhere — and they’re embraced by today’s customers. According to McKinsey, 71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions. In other words, personalization now must be an essential part of a brand’s CX and marketing strategy.

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The Importance of Data Security for Personalised Video

The Importance of Data Security for Personalised Video

Personalised Video combines the power of personalisation with everyone’s favourite type of media: video. As with any form of content, adding personalisation requires customer data — the details that make one video different from another and make each video unique to the viewer who receives it. Personalisation is a boon

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Top 11 Interactive Video Software Tools To Try in 2024

Top 11 Interactive Video Software Tools To Try in 2024

When it comes to digital content, Interactive Videos are experiencing a surge in popularity, becoming a powerful tool for businesses and creators. Notably, a staggering 79% of consumers express interest in receiving Interactive Videos from brands, and this interest reaches an even higher level, at 88%, among the younger demographic

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How To Choose the Right Personalised Video Software

How To Choose the Right Personalised Video Software

As tailored experiences become the norm rather than the exception, Personalised Video has been increasingly used by brands across industries to improve the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. Take a look at the nonprofit industry where Personalized Videos delivered via email led to higher engagement among donors led to a

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Video Velocity: How Automation and AI Speed Video Production

Video Velocity: How Automation and AI Speed Video Production

What if video were faster? As in, bringing your creative video ideas to life took less time and effort, and the path from inception to audience engagement was streamlined and swift. Imagine the potential — A/B tests with quicker turnarounds, marketing campaigns launched at the height of relevancy and hyper-personalized

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rolling out the red carpet for customers

From SaaS to SwaT: A Service-First Tech Model

In the unabated sprint towards all things AI, it seems humanity is being left in the digital dust. Are we really ready to let our experiences be governed solely by software? Or do we still yearn for the comfort of human connections and trusted fellow travelers to help guide us

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