Video Velocity: How Automation and AI Speed Video Production

What if video were faster? As in, bringing your creative video ideas to life took less time and effort, and the path from inception to audience engagement was streamlined and swift. Imagine the potential — A/B tests with quicker turnarounds, marketing campaigns launched at the height of relevancy and hyper-personalised content that adapts almost in real-time. We like to think of it as “video velocity,” and it’s no longer just a pipe dream.

In today’s fast-moving digital world, agility is more critical than ever. Fortunately, technology has risen to the occasion. From automated editing to AI-driven scripts, here’s how these advancements are reshaping the landscape, helping you turn your creative ideas into captivating videos at an unprecedented pace.

The Need for Speed in Video Production

Video is nothing short of a marketing powerhouse. It captivates, engages and conveys messages with unmatched precision. A quick glance at the numbers tells the story of its effectiveness. For instance, 92% of marketers say video gives them a good return on their investment. Plus, an overwhelming majority of marketers claim that video has helped them:

  • Increase brand awareness (95% of marketers)
  • Generate leads (90%)
  • Increase sales (87%)

But here’s the catch: Despite its effectiveness, video production can often be plagued by delays and bottlenecks. The above survey found that 30% of marketers who don’t use video as a marketing tool lack the time to do so — the most common reason mentioned.

30% of marketers who don’t use video cite time as the biggest barrier.

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The journey from conceptualising a brilliant video idea to presenting it to your eager audience can feel like a marathon. Traditional video production cycles involve numerous time-consuming steps, from scriptwriting and filming to editing and final distribution. How, then, can we shorten these production cycles and get our message out there faster?

That’s where the magic of automation and artificial intelligence steps in. In this blog, we’ll delve deeper into the game-changing technologies and strategies that can accelerate video production. So buckle up, because we’re about to explore 5 ways to take your video marketing efforts to the next level — faster.

1. Repurpose and Personalise: A Shortcut to Compelling Videos

Video marketing is a powerful tool, but it’s no secret that the perception of its high cost can be a barrier for many businesses. While some might imagine eye-popping budgets and Hollywood-level production, the reality is much more affordable, thanks to innovative strategies and solutions.

One effective way to fast-track your video production journey is by repurposing your existing creative and then personalising it to create something new and unique for each viewer. For instance, Ladbrokes took the same compelling content created for the 2020 UEFA European Championship and extended its lifespan by crafting 2 distinct campaigns.

The first stirred up excitement for the event’s return after the pandemic. Then, they infused customer data to create personalised highlight reels for every viewer, forging a more personal connection. The result? Two impactful and cost-effective campaigns from the same core content.

Ladbrokes’ video success was achieved with the help of our industry-leading Next Generation Video Platform. With our simple drag-and-drop web interface, you can easily make millions of cinematic quality videos — no coding or advanced video skills required. It’s about as user-friendly as video production gets.


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Think of it as a video content upgrade without the exorbitant price tag. With a little extra planning and a clever creative strategy, you can breathe new life into your existing assets, shorten production cycles and captivate your audience without breaking the bank.

2. Unlock Efficiency With Automation

To turn a great idea into a video that grabs your audience’s attention, you need to cut through the production noise and get your message across quickly. In this race to the finish line, automation has become a powerful accelerator.

Automation tools have changed the game for video production, letting creators bring their visions to life more efficiently by simplifying and expediting many aspects of the creative process. Whether it’s automating complex transitions or seamlessly syncing audio and video, these automation tools give you the power to bring your creative vision to life quickly and easily.

Take, for example, scene length adjustment, a feature that ensures scenes adapt smoothly to dynamic text or voiceovers. This means you can effortlessly accommodate varying durations in different languages, all without breaking a sweat.

Activision’s Warzone Legacy campaign, available in 10 languages and watched in 99 countries, is a shining example of this in action.

As you can see in the split-screen video showcasing different languages, every scene is perfectly timed. If a phrase takes longer to convey in one language than another, no problem. Our automation tools effortlessly tweaked scene durations to match, without any additional effort on the creator’s part.

Imagine having your video ready for global audiences without the headache of meticulous adjustments for each language — that’s the power of automation at your fingertips. It’s just one way we ensure that your video production cycle moves at the speed of your ideas, making your journey from concept to customer view smoother and faster than ever.

3. Maximise Production Speed With AI

AI has become a formidable player in the realm of video production, offering a helping hand at various stages. It’s helping out at every stage, from writing scripts to adding visual elements. For example, AI can be used to generate video scripts based on just a few text prompts. This can save marketers a ton of time and effort, allowing them to focus on other parts of production.

One major player is ChatGPT, an AI phenomenon developed by OpenAI that’s taken the world by storm. ChatGPT can now access third-party services connected via plugins. These plugins are similar to apps and essentially “upload” new capabilities into ChatGPT, such as reserving a hotel room with help from the Expedia plug-in or grocery shopping via the Instacart plug-in.

Idomoo has harnessed this power with Lucas, our AI video creator. Lucas is a breeze to work with — no need to choose templates or provide extensive details. Just express your video vision in a few words via chat and voila! Lucas transforms your input into 4 distinct videos to choose from, all delivered in just 60 seconds. Lucas is also available as a plugin for ChatGPT, letting ChatGPT users turn any chat reply instantly into a complete video.

Here is Lucas explaining in the third person what he can do.

The best part? Lucas is free to try (you only pay for what you download and keep). Give it a go and try creating your first AI video. With AI as your ally, your video marketing ideas can become reality in record time.

4. Think UGC With In-Player Customisation

Here’s another powerful technique that can significantly trim production times: letting your customers take the reins. Thanks to in-player customisation features, you can empower your audience to play a pivotal role in video production.

Imagine how much more engaged your viewers would be if you let them customise their video experience. That’s precisely what WW (formerly Weight Watchers) did with their annual year-in-review video. Delighted at the summary of their achievements, customers shared their videos across major social platforms, sparking enthusiasm for the year ahead.

What makes it stand out? It’s user-generated content that was easy for customers to make. WW cleverly allowed viewers to choose their own achievements to highlight in the video, transforming passive spectators into active participants.

The result was a more personalised and engaging experience that not only captured the viewers’ attention but also encouraged them to share their customised videos, amplifying WW’s message across the digital landscape.

Now, imagine harnessing this interactive potential for your brand. With in-player customisation, you give your audience the power to tailor the content to their preferences, increasing engagement and shareability.

Want to see it in action? Try it for yourself with our home loan demo video. With each entry, you’re changing the video in real time.

Imagine what this could look like from a UGC standpoint — you create one video “template” that millions of users can endlessly customise … and share on social media, of course.

5. Create Dynamic Content With Live Data

In the not-so-distant past, once a video was published, making edits or updates felt like an insurmountable challenge. Policy changes, extended deadlines or shifts in pricing could quickly render your content obsolete. But now, there’s a solution: videos with live data.

These videos change the game by connecting your video content to live data feeds, ensuring that your message remains current and compelling. Imagine a video that greets your viewers with “good morning” or “good evening” based on the time of day or one that showcases real-time weather, location-specific information or up-to-the-minute accurate flight times or stock prices.

By tapping into live data, your videos evolve in real time, effortlessly adapting to your audience’s needs. The possibilities are boundless. You can inform asthmatic patients about pollen and mold count levels in their area, recommend sunny getaways to travelers from colder regions or keep your retail customers updated with real-time inventory updates.

In other words, your video content becomes evergreen, evolving with time to stay perpetually relevant. Check out an example of how it works below.

These dynamic videos also make it easy to test and optimise your campaigns. No more creating new videos from scratch for your A/B tests. Instead, you can use the same base video and dynamically swap out scenes or elements based on the audience and see which content performs better.

So say goodbye to the traditional video production cycle and embrace the future of dynamic, ever-evolving video content with live data. It’s a game-changer that ensures your viewers always see the right video at the right time.

Accelerate Your Video Marketing Journey With Idomoo

Automation and AI have revolutionised the video production industry, transforming creative ideas into engaging content at unprecedented speeds. These developments are changing the way we connect with our audience, from coming up with ideas to getting viewers to engage.

As a company that embraces all of the great advantages that these innovations offer, let Idomoo be your go-to partner in video marketing. Schedule a call for a free demo today, and let’s explore how we can harness video velocity to transform your creative ideas into customer-engaging videos faster than ever before. The future of video is here, and we can’t wait to show you what’s possible.

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