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Group of Gen Z consumers laughing together

How To Create Personalized Experiences for Gen Z Consumers

A version of this article appeared originally on Customer Experience Magazine. You can read it here. When it comes to customer experience, the newest generation of consumers is set to disrupt the status quo. They have different brand expectations, as you’ll see below, and they’re poised to have the economic

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How Music Affects Emotions (and Sales)

How Music Affects Emotions (and Sales)

“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.” ― Victor Hugo Mr. Hugo has a point there. We all know that music influences our mood because we’ve experienced it for ourselves. We know that when we listen to certain types of music,

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Missing and hitting the personalization target

4 Times Brands Got Personalization Wrong and How To Do It Right

Personalization ranks among the top strategies for delivering a stellar customer experience. By using relevant customer data, brands can create a truly unique customer experience, making customers feel valued and increasing consumer trust. Done right, personalization has the potential to improve retention and conversions. And this can happen through a

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Where Video Marketing Meets Customer Experience

Where Video Marketing Meets Customer Experience

These days, it’s rare to go a day without watching some type of video. From enjoying your favorite show on Netflix to scouring YouTube for a cooking tutorial, video has emerged as one of the most popular forms of content. In fact, Cisco estimates that the medium will make up

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How to Drive Action: The Psychology of Customer Engagement

What Drives Action? We are emotional beings who THINK we’re rational beings. What we buy, who we vote for, even who we choose to marry – are primarily emotional, or “feeling-based”, decisions. People THINK they make decisions based on rationality, but what they are much more likely to do is

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4 Ways Personalized Video Can Help You Create Wow Moments

Do you wow your customers? It may sound like a funny question, but the value in regularly creating wow moments – the moments that make a customer stop in their tracks and feel valued, heard and understood – cannot go understated. These are the moments that build lasting brand-customer relationships. 

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