Related posts: sales

The Ultimate Guide to Personalized Video

The Ultimate Guide to Personalized Video

From reducing service calls by 30% to uplifting conversions by 9x, we’ve seen firsthand how Personalized Video can improve the customer experience and drive real results for businesses. While Personalized Video is undeniably transforming how we connect with audiences, the concept can be a bit confusing at first. Is it

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How To Turn Your Webpage Into a Video With AI

How To Turn Your Webpage Into a Video With AI

Imagine this scenario. You have a webpage with lots of great information that you’d like your customer to know about. But that’s part of the problem — there’s lots of info there. Wouldn’t it be great if you could wave a magic wand and instantly turn that webpage into a

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Video Production Sales 101: How To Sell Video to Enterprises

Video Production Sales 101: How To Sell Video to Enterprises

Selling video production services to enterprise companies can seem daunting without a clear roadmap. Often, though, the best first steps are the simplest. Think about the problem your potential client needs to solve. Ask insightful questions that can inform your strategy. And show the value of video content in a

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6 Video Marketing Examples We Love and Why They Work

6 Video Marketing Examples We Love and Why They Work

In this distracted and tuned-out world, brands need creative ways to engage consumers, and video consistently delivers. According to our State of Video Technology report, 83% of consumers say they want more videos from brands, with 82% of those who have received video saying they enjoy the content. Better yet,

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Exploring AI Personalization for Ecommerce

Exploring AI Personalization for Ecommerce

Let’s face it — running an ecommerce business is difficult. From differentiating yourself from the competition to marketing operations to selling and shipping, there’s a lot to think about. One tool that more and more business owners are employing to set themselves apart and grow their ecommerce operations is AI

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Hyper-Personalization in Marketing: The Next Frontier Is Here

Hyper-Personalization in Marketing: The Next Frontier Is Here

In a highly saturated market, customer loyalty is not a given. Customers are often incentivized to jump ship or, at the very least, avoid going all in on a brand if competitors distract them. Hyper-personalized marketing prevents this. Nearly three quarters of surveyed consumers (73%) said they want more personalized

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What Is Sales Enablement? Your Go-To Guide

What Is Sales Enablement? Your Go-To Guide

Success for your sales team extends far beyond simply offering a stellar product or service. It requires empowering them with the right tools, resources and knowledge — a practice commonly known as sales enablement. As the sales landscape continues to evolve from traditional face-to-face interactions to digital and remote selling,

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How To Level Up Your Sales Strategy With Personalized Video

How To Level Up Your Sales Strategy With Personalized Video

Hitting sales goals can often feel like an uphill battle. As consumers become increasingly discerning and the competition for their attention intensifies, many sales teams find themselves scrambling for innovative sales tactics to connect with their audience and boost conversions. Amidst these challenges, Personalized Video marketing has emerged as a

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Interactive Video Ads: How To Boost CTR and Sales

Interactive Video Ads: How To Boost CTR and Sales

More and more, companies are looking to use digital video advertising to reach their target audiences, but with so much competition in the market, it’s tough to stand out. The goal is clearly to make the content more engaging — but how? That’s where interactivity comes in. Interactive Video ads

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