Related posts: marketing

10 Ways To Personalise Video

Top 10 Ways To Personalize Video

“Personalization” has become an inescapable marketing buzzword. It seems everywhere you turn someone is talking about “personalized experiences”, “personalized ads”, “personalized communications”, and so on. Then there’s “Personalized Video”, which aims to combine 2 massive internet trends: Video & Personalization.

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7 Dos and Don’ts of Video Personalization

Video personalization is an incredible tool for engaging customers with compelling, easy-to-process, individually relevant information. And many major brands have turned to Personalized Video (PV) communication because it’s possible to develop and launch a PV campaign quickly, without headaches and at scale.  If you’re thinking of implementing video personalization in

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The Leading Cause of Customer Churn, And How to Avoid It

It’s not complicated. The majority of customers churn because they failed to connect with your brand or because an event occurred that caused them to disconnect. 53% of all customer churn is attributed to one of these factors: poor onboarding (23%), weak relationship building (16%) and poor customer service (14%).

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Mercer Engage Employees

Helping Mercer Engage Employees

Ask most people about their pensions and their eyes glaze over. It’s all too complicated, you hear them say, for somebody who isn’t a pro… And this is despite 90% of employees ranking pensions as one of their most important benefits. But pensions are complex, driving engagement levels as low

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3 Reasons Why Your Personalization Efforts Just Aren’t Working

3 Reasons Why Your Personalization Efforts Just Aren’t Working

People today are subjected daily to a cacophony of never-ending marketing messages that end up fading into the background rather than grabbing their attention. With the constant churn of often irrelevant, boring and sub-par content, customers are becoming increasingly weary and disengaged. Grabbing the mind-space of your customers is becoming

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