Related posts: education

How The Industry Is Embracing Personalized Video

How the Higher Ed Industry Is Embracing Personalized Video

To reach today’s tech-savvy students, universities are upgrading their digital communications with advanced video technology — namely, Personalized Video. It’s now a key part of the student journey, from admissions to alumni relations and more. Top universities, including New York Tech, Quinnipiac University, Lewis University and others are leveraging Personalized

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Lewis University

Idomoo and Lewis University Win Gold in dotCOMM Awards

Our Personalized Video campaign with Lewis University was a huge success — just ask the experts. The data-driven campaign earned gold in this year’s dotCOMM Awards under the category Video: Educational Institution. It consisted of short videos personalized to every viewer’s relevant financial aid awards, addressing one of the most

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The Higher Education Challenge

Transforming the Student Experience: Admissions to Alumni

When COVID-19 first hit, the unprecedented changes forced schools of all kinds to adapt. Universities and colleges scrambled to figure out solutions for learning that would keep students safe while still maintaining an optimal learning environment. From Zoom classes to optional testing, there’s nothing quite like a pandemic to jumpstart

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