Related posts: advertising

7 Signs You Are a Creative Advertising Expert

This post could boil down to one simple statement: “I wish I’d thought of that.” Only a creative advertising expert is able to make everyone feel like they should have – even could have – had that idea. In marketing, great ideas aren’t inaccessible and they aren’t isolating. They’re extremely

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Solving Video Advertising’s ROI Problem

Video advertising has traditionally been focused on branding and creating awareness: High production value ads shown on TV and paid for with massive advertising budgets. It has therefore been mostly used by Fortune 1000 companies that invest heavily in their brands. Measuring the overall impact of such campaigns was always

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5 Tricks for Kickstarting Your B2C Lead Generation

Most every CMO has experienced the pressure, usually from a sales team, to acquire new leads. While we’ve spoken before about the massive importance of customer retention and offering a seamless, top-tier customer experience from the first point of contact onward, the reality is that B2C lead generation is the

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Why Video Changes the Game for Customer Acquisition

You’re more apt to do business with someone you’ve got a good feeling about as opposed to someone for whom you have no feelings at all, right? Effective acquisition is all about creating a positive, familiar relationship with customers before they’re actually customers.

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