Related posts: banking

Hyper-Personalization in Banking: How To Elevate Your CX

Hyper-Personalization in Banking: How To Elevate Your CX

It’s no secret that today’s customers are driven by experience. A strong customer experience that removes friction before the purchase experience is a significant factor influencing people to make purchasing decisions or pay extra for increased convenience. For example, 51% consumers opt in to subscription services for convenience. The part

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Clear Communication

Clear Communication in Financial Services: The New Mandate

The FCA is raising the bar for customer care in the financial services landscape. Firms must now adhere to the Consumer Duty: a package of measures that aims to improve customer outcomes with better communication. This new Consumer Duty, recently issued by the U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), mandates that

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Why Banking Loyalty Is More Important Than Ever

Why Banking Loyalty Is More Important Than Ever

The value of brand loyalty cannot be overstated — especially in the banking sector. Loyal customers recommend their bank up to 6x more, spend 25% more (on average) on their credit cards and are less likely to switch to a competitor, according to a study by Bain & Company. It’s

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Credit Unions Gone Digital: How Video Adds a Personal Touch

Credit Unions Gone Digital: How Video Adds a Personal Touch

For decades, credit unions have offered incredible rates, low fees and face-to-face interactions — an exceptional CX many traditional, major banks are unable to offer. And it’s obvious this customer-first approach works. An impressive 90% of surveyed members believe credit unions are a great place to find both financial advice

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How To Enhance CX for Fintech With Personalized Video

How Fintech Can Enhance CX With Personalized Video

From bitcoin to NFTs to robo-advisors, fintech is a hot topic. Have you ever been asked to “venmo” or “zelle” someone? Fintech is responsible — 3 out of 4 consumers now use payment services like these. But fintech is quickly taking hold of any and all financial industries, including mortgages,

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