8 Ways Personalised Video Is Easier Than Ever for Brands

In the world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve requires brands to successfully engage and captivate their target audience to make a lasting impact. And Personalised Video has emerged as a powerful tool to do so.

Video is more in demand than ever — 83% of people say they want more video content from brands. And personalisation for modern consumers is non-negotiable. Over 70% of today’s consumers expect companies to deliver personalised interactions. In our annual market study, we found that Gen Z is the most willing (at 81%) to trade their personal data for personalisation.

Personalised Video brings together both of these digital marketing powerhouses: video and personalisation. It positions you to connect with your audience on a deeper level so you can deliver messages that align with their unique needs and speaks to them as an individual in a way that’s engaging and human.

But isn’t Personalised Video hard? Not at all. Here’s a lineup of 8 ways it can be downright easy.

First, though, let’s talk about why you should consider Personalised Video in the first place.

Why Personalised Video Works

If you want your brand to stand out from the crowd, incorporating Personalised Videos into your marketing strategy can do the trick. It gives your brand the opportunity to build an emotional connection with customers. And innovative video content cuts through the digital noise, getting noticed because it’s so different from the generic marketing collateral we all see daily on social media or filling our inboxes.

It’s no surprise Personalised Videos generate more engagement. They get 16x higher click-to-open rates, which can ultimately turn casual viewers into loyal customers.

Plus, customers love seeing a video personalised just for them. Putting your customer in the spotlight makes it more likely they’ll want to share it with their social circles, meaning your videos have the potential to turn into a viral success.

Not only does this amplify your brand’s reach organically, but it also guarantees more exposure and an expanded online presence.

Check out the video below as an example. If this were a wrapup of your gameplay, wouldn’t you want to brag about it?

How To Make Personalised Video Easy

Adding a personal touch to videos is simple. Take a look at some of the ways you can do it. It’s easier than you might think.

1. Repurpose Content

You don’t always have to reinvent the wheel. Instead of creating something from scratch, you can extend the lifespan of already used content by presenting it in a new (personalised) format. For example, you can take video footage from a past ad campaign or a commercial and add dynamic text and voiceover to upgrade it.

Repurposing content will give you the biggest bang for your buck while connecting with your audience in a more meaningful way.


9 ways to repurpose video content you haven’t tried yet

2. Start With Hello

To make personalisation work well, you want to know your individual customers. First-party data can clue you in on your audience’s preferences, behaviors and demographics so you can elevate your video marketing efforts to create a unique experience that speaks to them.

Perhaps you already have a wealth of customer data in your CRM, but you don’t need to be overwhelmed by trying to use all of it at once.

The good thing about a data-driven video is that you don’t need loads of data to make it effective. A first name alone makes a big impact. Here’s a look at how Cedarville University does a great job at this.

3. Take Advantage of AI

Rapid advancements in technology are revolutionizing the way marketers connect with their customers. With artificial intelligence (AI), you can effortlessly create compelling videos to woo your audience without the need for extensive technical expertise.

And the good thing about it is that you don’t need a hefty budget or a dedicated production team to use these AI video tools.

With AI, you can turn any text prompt — or document or website — into a complete, usable video in seconds.

4. Think Omnichannel

Since most people use multiple channels in their purchasing journey, it makes sense for your brand to have a presence not just on one channel, but on every channel. That way, you can be sure you get in front of your audience no matter what platform they choose to use. And with the average person spending more than 4 hours a day glued to their phone, video is a great way to get their attention.

Conveniently, Personalised Video is omnichannel. So you can share it in-app, via SMS or MMS, email, web and more. This dramatically scales up your reach without you having to do extra work.

This kind of strategy is a great way to create multiple touchpoints and please the 87% of millennials and Gen Z who prefer omnichannel communications.

5. Check Your Analytics

Analytics track performance data. We all know that. And we all know they’re important — as in, they probably have something to do with your KPIs and your boss wants you to be on top of them. But what analytics should you be tracking when it comes to video?

The answer: Anything that impacts your goal. If your goal is to increase engagement, then track views and completion rate. If it’s a specific conversion action like clicking a CTA or filling out a form after watching, track clicks and form fills.

How does this make Personalised Video easy? Because when you know what’s working, you don’t waste time spinning your wheels on what doesn’t. Metrics that reveal how your audience engages with your videos can help you pinpoint what’s effective, allowing you to optimise future campaigns.

Any Personalised Video platform with its salt will have an analytics dashboard. At Idomoo, our dashboard is full of rich insights about video views, sessions by device, video completion rate, average engagement time, in-video CTA clicks and much more.

6. Work With the Pros

Do you want your Personalised Videos to meet — and exceed — the expectations of your audience? Fear not. It’s not as daunting as it seems, especially when you let a professional studio do the heavy lifting. They have the expertise, creative flair and technical proficiency to take the burden off your brand’s shoulders.

If you’re worried that you don’t have the skills or time to create Personalised Videos, you can work with our award-winning studio or let an agency handle it. Agencies can access our fully open Next Generation Video Platform directly to make the videos they create dynamic and data-driven.

We also have an in-house Emmy-winning studio team that can make your creation vision come to life on the screen — and we know all the Personalised Video tips, tricks and best practices from years of campaigns with thousands of clients, so that’s a plus.

Here’s their sizzle reel.

7. Enjoy All the Use Cases

Part of the reason Personalised Video is so easy is because it works for any use case. Whether your brand wants to boost customer engagement, deliver tailored product recommendations, bring back lapsed users or drive sales, Personalised Video can do it.

Think beyond the obvious use cases. Yes, we love a good onboarding video, and who doesn’t like a nice acquisition video that’s personalised for a future customer?

But there’s a lot more you can do too. Year-in-review videos, for example, are a great opportunity for a personal recap of what you and your customer have done together. And customers love to share them too.

Across use cases, Personalised Video delivers serious business results including:

  • 9x conversion uplift
  • 8x higher sales
  • 17x ROI
  • 81% conversion rate
  • 7x higher CTR

What about the retention use case? That’s perfect for Personalised Video.

Take a look at how Orangetheory Fitness used a Personalised Video to energise and reengage members. It’s one thing to get people to sign up for classes, but it’s another to keep them motivated and coming back for more.

But by sending members a celebratory year-in-review video and highlighting each person’s unique fitness journey, Orangetheory Fitness succeeded in boosting attendance and encouraged members to set bigger and better goals. And they gave members a compelling reason to share their achievements, which showed off the customer and the brand in the best way possible.

8. Let Your Customers Make the Video

We’re not talking about hiring your customers to come into the office.

Instead, send them a video and let them personalise it how they want. How do they do that? It’s called user-customisable video, and it’s a kind of Interactive Video that the viewer can change in real time. They might add their own text, upload their own media or choose what’s featured in the video.

Think of the year-in-review use case above. Maybe you want certain stats or memories to be highlighted in your recap video, à la Spotify Wrapped. With user-customisable video, you get to choose what goes in it. “You” being the customer here.

The brand gets to choose what the user can customise and how much. But allowing this customisation makes it more likely the customer will share the video.

Or, in the case of a customisable video that isn’t designed for social sharing — say, a loan calculator video like the one below — the user can add their relevant data and get a Personalised Video “answer” in real time. How cool is that?

Just click the lightning bolt in the player and you can try it for yourself!

Empowering Your Brand With Personalised Video

Personalised Video has evolved from a novel concept to a powerful and accessible marketing tool for brands. And it’s definitely changing the way brands interact with their audiences. But it doesn’t have to be hard.

Got questions? We’re here to help.

Idomoo’s Personalised Video platform makes it easier than ever to create millions of dynamic videos, one for every customer.

Are you ready to unlock the potential of Personalised Video for your brand? Contact us and we’ll show you how it can revolutionise your marketing strategy, boost engagement and elevate your brand.

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