Related posts: omnichannel

Implementing Hyper-Personalisation: 3 Approaches To Know

As personalization becomes a standard rather than a nice-to-have, brands looking to stand out from the crowd are cranking things up with hyper-personalization. This data-driven approach to marketing goes beyond traditional personalization by leveraging automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning and vast amounts of data. The result? Experiences that are tailored

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8 Ways Personalised Video Is Easier Than Ever for Brands

8 Ways Personalised Video Is Easier Than Ever for Brands

In the world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve requires brands to successfully engage and captivate their target audience to make a lasting impact. And Personalized Video has emerged as a powerful tool to do so. Video is more in demand than ever — 83% of people say

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Winning Pension Attention

Winning Pension Attention: A New Challenge for Providers

Unclaimed pension pots are now equal to roughly £19.4 billion, according to the Association of British Insurers. But people aren’t just misplacing their pension pots — they’re forgetting about them. Pension awareness is alarmingly low, and it’s become a huge threat to the financial futures of savers everywhere. Just 20%

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Why Today's Marketers Must Use an Omnichannel Approach

Why Today’s Marketers Must Use an Omnichannel Approach

The world of marketing is rapidly changing. Today’s consumers are more digital than ever, and they’re expecting brands to keep up. At the same time, consumers are also becoming increasingly savvy with their devices and are navigating through the digital landscape with ease. To meet these changing consumer expectations, you

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Why Banking Loyalty Is More Important Than Ever

Why Banking Loyalty Is More Important Than Ever

The value of brand loyalty cannot be overstated — especially in the banking sector. Loyal customers recommend their bank up to 6x more, spend 25% more (on average) on their credit cards and are less likely to switch to a competitor, according to a study by Bain & Company. It’s

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Where To Share Personalised Video To Maximise Reach

Where To Share Personalised Video To Maximise Reach

From a confectionery brand like Cadbury to gaming giant Ubisoft, countless brands have been leveraging the power of Personalised Video. The combination of personalisation and video means your message is perfectly tailored to each individual while maximising visual engagement.

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Personalized GIF example with high score for mobile gaming

How To Make Personalised Animated Badges for Mobile Games

It’s no secret that mobile gaming is big. Recent reports say mobile gaming is a $96 billion business, and it’s forecasted to grow to $272 billion by 2030. One big challenge for mobile gaming companies today is getting players talking about the game online, where it has the potential to

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Person holding phone with personalized content

What Is Personalised Content? 8 Places to Leverage It

When 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase if a brand offers personalised experiences, the importance of personalisation can’t be ignored. Businesses that hope to break through the noise and effectively connect with their customers are quickly learning that personalised content is the key.

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How to Successfully Leverage Video Distribution

How to Successfully Leverage Video Distribution

Video is currently one of the hottest mediums in digital marketing. Digital video ad spend in the United States alone was at $41.44 billion in 2020 and is set to hit almost double that amount by 2023. All of that is fueled by buyer habits, with 84% of them reporting

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