Related posts: ROI

Why Is Customer Engagement Important? The Hidden Tie to ROI

Why Is Customer Engagement Important? The Hidden Tie to ROI

In today’s fast-paced and constantly evolving business landscape, customer engagement has become more vital than ever before. It’s no longer enough to simply attract customers. Businesses must now find ways to actively involve them, fostering a relationship that goes beyond the initial purchase. According to a report by Harvard Business

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Hyper-Personalisation Strategies That Work for Any Business

Hyper-Personalisation Strategies That Work for Any Business

Success in today’s consumer marketplace needs to extend beyond simply addressing your customer by name. Customers are craving more tailored experiences that are unique to their preferences and behaviors. After all, 75% of consumers report they’re more likely to purchase from brands that provide personalized digital experiences. With advanced technologies

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The ROI of Personalization - Here's How It Pays Off

The ROI of Personalisation – Here’s How It Pays Off

The marketing industry has moved beyond questioning whether or not to personalise. I think we can all unanimously agree that not personalising your marketing efforts is a pretty serious oversight. (Yet somehow, there’s still 14% of marketers out there not investing in personalisation.)

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