Related posts: retail

How To Turn Your Webpage Into a Video With AI

How To Turn Your Webpage Into a Video With AI

Imagine this scenario. You have a webpage with lots of great information that you’d like your customer to know about. But that’s part of the problem — there’s lots of info there. Wouldn’t it be great if you could wave a magic wand and instantly turn that webpage into a

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Hyper-Personalisation in Retail: Why the Hype Is Right

Hyper-Personalisation in Retail: Why the Hype Is Right

Hyper-personalization is changing retail. But how? Picture this: You log into your favorite online grocery store, and it instantly knows what you need. It suggests recipes based on your diet and usual purchases, highlights sales on your favorite products and even recommends new items you’ll love. At checkout, your preferred

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Exploring AI Personalisation for Ecommerce

Exploring AI Personalisation for Ecommerce

Let’s face it — running an ecommerce business is difficult. From differentiating yourself from the competition to marketing operations to selling and shipping, there’s a lot to think about. One tool that more and more business owners are employing to set themselves apart and grow their ecommerce operations is AI

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How Personalization Trends are Transforming Retail Marketing

How Personalization Trends are Transforming Retail Marketing

It’s no secret that personalization is a huge part of the modern retail landscape. Personalization products contribute to a great customer experience. One study reveals that 9 out of 10 marketers now use personalization solutions to provide better shopping experiences. Despite the fact everyone knows the importance of personalization, many

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3 Extraordinary Examples of Creative Innovation in Video

The most effective marketing serves to present a solution, tell a story or achieve some combination of the two. Contrary to what many people might believe, the primary goal of a single marketing campaign shouldn’t be to sell a brand. Selling of the brand comes secondary; it’s a side effect

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