Cadbury Launches Personalised Videos for New Market and Product Line

promoting chocolate with Personalized Video campaign

Cadbury, a Mondeléz International Inc. brand, is the second largest confectionery brand in the world, operating in more than 50 countries worldwide. They’re well known for their clever and creative marketing and advertising campaigns. But they might have outdone themselves this time.

Cadbury has launched two successful campaigns using Idomoo Personalised Video to raise brand awareness, increase market penetration and connect emotionally with customers.

The first campaign, focusing on premium Cadbury Glow gift chocolate, was launched in India where chocolate gifting represents only 5%-7% of the total market, compared with 15%-35% in other areas. Cadbury’s goal was to increase their market penetration in India for this type of product.

Their second campaign was targeted at Australian customers. The company wanted to introduce consumers to new flavors in its Dairy Milk line and create a personal and emotional consumer-brand connection.

Penetrating the Chocolate-as-a-Gift Market in India

Cadbury’s India-based campaign for Cadbury Glow was designed to promote the idea that chocolate was a thoughtful gift to give. In India, chocolate didn’t have a strong footing in the gift-giving market compared to other places in the world.

To encourage the idea of chocolate as a gift, Cadbury India launched an integrated social video marketing campaign centred around Idomoo’s Personalised Video platform.

In the campaign, users could automatically create a Personalised Video that incorporated photographs and names pulled from their Facebook profile. Users started their journey by visiting the Cadbury Glow landing page, linking it to their Facebook profile and entering the phone number of the gift recipient.

The recipient could then view the video when they received a box of Cadbury Glow chocolate, either through a QR code or by entering their phone number on the Cadbury Glow page.

This Cadbury campaign was also supported by a multichannel integrated digital effort, including social media featuring Rajkummar Rao and Aditi Rao Hydari, well-known Indian celebrities. All in all, it’s one of the best Personalised Video marketing examples we’ve seen.

Introducing New Flavors in Australia

Cadbury’s Australian campaign, created to build interest in the new Dairy Milk flavors, was equally engaging.

A “Flavour Matcher” app, designed using Idomoo’s Personalised Video platform, matched users with one of 12 Cadbury flavors based on data such as their age, location and interests. The participants then received Personalised Videos celebrating their Flavour Match. This integrated with their Facebook profile photo and included a CTA to share the video using a hashtag.

Customers were exposed to the campaign through various paid and unpaid channels using creative content designed by Saatchi and Saatchi, Cadbury’s advertising agency.

The Results

Cadbury found both campaigns to be incredibly successful. A whopping 90% of viewers watched their Personalised Video to completion, reflecting a high level of engagement and personal investment. Over 12% of viewers went on to share their video with friends on social media.

Case Study

How Cadbury used Personalized Video to connect 1:1 with consumers

Cadbury achieved a 65% click-through rate with campaign recipients and a 33% conversion rate from viewers who completed a subsequent promotion form.

Success stats at a glance:

  • 90% of viewers finished watching their video
  • 65% CTR for the campaign
  • 33% conversion rate

Overall, the Cadbury campaigns did an excellent job of leveraging data to deliver an ultra-personalised brand experience. Strong engagement across the board means Cadbury hit their mark with customers and established a positive, memorable impression.

Looking Ahead

With the strong results from these two campaigns, Cadbury, Saatchi and Mondeléz International have planned upcoming Personalised Video campaigns with Idomoo in other global markets, starting with Singapore.

The positive reactions, awareness and conversions achieved through the use of these innovative, data-driven videos have given Cadbury a refreshing way to connect with current and future customers and create emotionally engaging experiences. Through the use of Personalised Video, Cadbury found a way to take its social media marketing strategy beyond the “like.”

Contact Us To Learn More

I invite you to book a one-one-one demo with a Personalised Video consultant to learn how Idomoo can help you revolutionise your customer experience and boost your bottom line.

We work with some of the world’s leading brands in banking, travel, telco and many more industries, helping them upgrade their digital communications with the power of data-driven video. Whether your goal is customer acquisition, retention or simply cutting call centre volume, Personalised Video is a practical solution that works. We’d love to show you how it all works.

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