Related posts: Gen Z

It’s Time To Upgrade Your Personalised Infographic to Video

How To Effectively Engage Gamers With Personalised Video and Infographics

In the entertainment industry, personalized recaps are here to stay. Think of viral marketing campaigns like Spotify “Wrapped” or Call of Duty’s #MyWarzone Legacy. These dynamic campaigns perform so well not only because they’re personalized but also because they surface interesting insights about the customer. For “Wrapped,” it could be

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Video Goes UGC: A Guide to User-Generated Video Content

Video Goes UGC: A Guide to User-Generated Video Content

The content in demand by customers today isn’t flashy or expensive. It’s captured by the everyday person and their smartphone, free of Photoshop and pushy sales pitches. Whether it’s a review written on Yelp or an unboxing video, consumers want authenticity — and they’re finding it in content created by

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Marketing to Generation Alpha

Marketing to Generation Alpha: Everything You Need to Know

Ambitious, empowered and predicted to be the largest generation in history by 2025 — Generation Alpha is already catching the attention of brands. Just take a look at Nike, who collaborated with popular gaming platform Fortnite to reach today’s tweens. Or Mattel, who launched a line of Barbies made from

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How To Build Brand Loyalty

How To Build Brand Loyalty that Lasts in Today’s Digital Age

Customer loyalty is a potent weapon in the modern marketplace — and it’s something that every company wants to cultivate. However, many brands are finding it difficult to develop and maintain customer loyalty in this fast-moving digital age. As consumers have more choices than ever before and can switch between

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At a Crossroads

At a Crossroads: How Do You Communicate With Customers?

A version of this article originally appeared on Tech12. Today’s consumers are no longer brand loyal. Unlike the exhausting attempts of my parents’ generation to replace the cable company or their bank, the new generation of consumers can replace the service of any company with the push of a button.

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Why Banking Loyalty Is More Important Than Ever

Why Banking Loyalty Is More Important Than Ever

The value of brand loyalty cannot be overstated — especially in the banking sector. Loyal customers recommend their bank up to 6x more, spend 25% more (on average) on their credit cards and are less likely to switch to a competitor, according to a study by Bain & Company. It’s

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What Enterprises Should Learn From TikTok

What Enterprises Should Learn From TikTok

TikTok reigns supreme as the most successful social app for Gen Z. It was the most downloaded app of 2021, and over 40% of users are a part of Gen Z. TikTok has cracked the code of how these digital natives prefer to communicate, and more than that, it’s changing

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