Related posts: email

Implementing Hyper-Personalisation: 3 Approaches To Know

As personalization becomes a standard rather than a nice-to-have, brands looking to stand out from the crowd are cranking things up with hyper-personalization. This data-driven approach to marketing goes beyond traditional personalization by leveraging automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning and vast amounts of data. The result? Experiences that are tailored

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Email Personalization

Email Personalisation: Tips for Cutting Through the Clutter

Email marketing is a tried and true strategy. But in today’s digital age, cutting through the clutter of your customers’ inboxes is trickier than ever before. Today, an estimated 333 billion emails are delivered and received every day. But brands have found a way to rise above the digital noise:

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7 Tips for Making Personalised Videos for Emails

7 Tips for Making Personalised Videos for Emails

It’s not easy to stand out in an overcrowded inbox. As effective as email marketing can be, it only really works if you’re able to survive that cutthroat inbox sweep. With so many emails coming in every day, consumers have become more and more brutal when it comes to deleting

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Where To Share Personalised Video To Maximise Reach

Where To Share Personalised Video To Maximise Reach

From a confectionery brand like Cadbury to gaming giant Ubisoft, countless brands have been leveraging the power of Personalised Video. The combination of personalisation and video means your message is perfectly tailored to each individual while maximising visual engagement.

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