Related posts: pensions & retirement

How Standard Life Boosts Contributions

How Standard Life Boosts Contributions With Data-Driven Video

It’s no secret that pensions can be complicated. And when savers fail to understand their pension, they’re unlikely to engage with it. To tackle this issue, top pension provider Standard Life is simplifying complicated topics with data-driven videos. The campaign, launched in collaboration with BT’s Division X Messaging Team and

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Winning Pension Attention

Winning Pension Attention: A New Challenge for Providers

Unclaimed pension pots are now equal to roughly £19.4 billion, according to the Association of British Insurers. But people aren’t just misplacing their pension pots — they’re forgetting about them. Pension awareness is alarmingly low, and it’s become a huge threat to the financial futures of savers everywhere. Just 20%

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Clear Communication

Clear Communication in Financial Services: The New Mandate

The FCA is raising the bar for customer care in the financial services landscape. Firms must now adhere to the Consumer Duty: a package of measures that aims to improve customer outcomes with better communication. This new Consumer Duty, recently issued by the U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), mandates that

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Pension Inertia? Communicate Better To Drive Engagement

Pension Inertia? Communicate Better To Drive Engagement

Retirement planning is alarmingly low worldwide. In the U.S., nearly 60% of employees do not have a retirement account. Across the pond, only 43% of U.K. employees are confident they’ll retire at the age they want. The current solution? Automatically enroll employees in a pension fund. But auto-enrollment fails to

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Mercer Engage Employees

Helping Mercer Engage Employees

Ask most people about their pensions and their eyes glaze over. It’s all too complicated, you hear them say, for somebody who isn’t a pro… And this is despite 90% of employees ranking pensions as one of their most important benefits. But pensions are complex, driving engagement levels as low

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