Personalized Video Now a ‘Must-Have’ in the Gaming Industry

A version of this article appeared on MarTech Series. You can read it here.

Demand for personalized gaming videos is on the rise. At Idomoo, bookings for these videos tripled year over year in 2021. Many were personalized highlight reels, recapping a season, a year or more, often with the goal of increasing player retention.

Personalized year-in-review videos are especially suited to gaming, an industry rich in data-driven content such as player stats and activity. This is the kind of personalized data players want to see, and it’s even more powerful included in a video, which is fun to watch and easy to share on social media.

And this holds true across subsets in gaming, from mid-core games to social casinos to massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) and beyond.

Take a look at the example from Plarium below.

Idomoo launched several personalized gaming campaigns last year, including videos for CCP Games, Playdemic, Ubisoft and Plarium.

Results Behind the Rise

Personalized Video gaming campaigns are engaging, cinematic and beg to be shared on social media, reaching a global audience of millions. But they’re more than just eye candy. They drive real business value.


Here’s how today’s top gaming companies reengage players

Here are just a few of the results we’ve seen from past gaming campaigns:

Along with boosting engagement and retention, dynamic videos can easily be distributed in-app, allowing for a seamless transition as players experience their video and then jump back into the game, all without missing a beat.

These gaming campaigns reach a global audience of millions, frequently in multiple languages. Thanks to built-in automation tools, adjusting dynamic scenes for changes in language is easy. Our platform supports dozens of languages, even emoji, for dynamic text and close captions.

Gaming Campaigns at the Next Level

With our Next Generation Video Platform, campaigns can also be automated via API so that when a player unlocks an achievement, they instantly receive their dynamic video, rendered in up to 100x real time.

This trend for Personalized Video in gaming speaks to the growing and increasingly younger player demographic, particularly Zoomers. Gen Z, a generation that loves video, makes up 30% of new players, according to a recent report by Accenture.

White Paper

How to market to Gen Z on a personal level

Gaming videos in the last year also took advantage of new Living Video, allowing for real-time user customization. With this next-generation technology, users can update their video by adding their avatar photo or changing other text or media to instantly generate a new video. They can also select the gaming stats they want for their video to create a highlights reel showing what they care about most.

Looking Ahead

Yaron Dishon, Idomoo CRO, is looking forward to our next projects in the boundary-pushing world of gaming.

“We’re excited to continue to work with big names in gaming and build on our success,” said Yaron Dishon, Idomoo CRO. “Our campaigns have proven we’re a must-have in this industry where innovative, immersive visual experiences are always in demand.”

For more video inspiration, check out a few of our past gaming campaigns. You can also download our free guide to increasing player engagement.

When you’re ready to join the Personalized Video trend in gaming, reach out and we’ll set up a demo to show you what’s possible.

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