Related posts: gaming

Personalized GIF example with high score for mobile gaming

How To Make Personalized Animated Badges for Mobile Games

It’s no secret that mobile gaming is big. Recent reports say mobile gaming is a $96 billion business, and it’s forecasted to grow to $272 billion by 2030. One big challenge for mobile gaming companies today is getting players talking about the game online, where it has the potential to

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EVE Online Rewards Top Fans With Personalised Year-in-Review

EVE Online Rewards Top Fans With Personalized Year-in-Review

To celebrate its top players and a banner year, CCP Games created a personalized year-in-review video for the EVE Online community. Deployed to over a million pilots, the “My Year in EVE” campaign allowed gamers to handpick achievements to include in their video, then generate that video in real time

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